oO;; I am on the computer long enough to hear the remix of a song that was playing an hour or so ago XD Hm, it's pretty groovy, Folder5's GO AHEAD!! again XD And I'm getting images of DDR arrow's again X_x;; I wonder if James/whateverhisname is X_x;; will have me randomly play DDR again tomarrow XD Interesting that the two guys I've actually bothered talking to on this campus have names which begin with a "J" XD Actually, even stranger that I am getting to know people on campus finally oO; Afterall, I had no intentions of actually finding people to talk to XD And it seems like I'm blogging often now to make up for days before when I only blogged like once XD
Hm, 5:57 a.m. Sureee I'll go to sleep XD I already got enough sleep, sorta oO; I'm distracted by the music now ^^;; Music rules *_* And all three of my roomates are away for the weekend woo! I'm actually using on of their computers, though I'm pretty sure he wouldn't care XD
oO;; I am on the computer long enough to hear the remix of a song that was playing an hour or so ago XD Hm, it's pretty groovy, Folder5's GO AHEAD!! again XD And I'm getting images of DDR arrow's again X_x;; I wonder if James/whateverhisname is X_x;; will have me randomly play DDR again tomarrow XD Interesting that the two guys I've actually bothered talking to on this campus have names which begin with a "J" XD Actually, even stranger that I am getting to know people on campus finally oO; Afterall, I had no intentions of actually finding people to talk to XD And it seems like I'm blogging often now to make up for days before when I only blogged like once XD
oO;; I am on the computer long enough to hear the remix of a song that was playing an hour or so ago XD Hm, it's pretty groovy, Folder5's GO AHEAD!! again XD And I'm getting images of DDR arrow's again X_x;; I wonder if James/whateverhisname is X_x;; will have me randomly play DDR again tomarrow XD Interesting that the two guys I've actually bothered talking to on this campus have names which begin with a "J" XD Actually, even stranger that I am getting to know people on campus finally oO; Afterall, I had no intentions of actually finding people to talk to XD And it seems like I'm blogging often now to make up for days before when I only blogged like once XD
Oh, and something which randomly made me think of X oO;;; (hm...CCS' Groovy! is playing XDDDD)
Anyway, this is about Pazuzu--
They are seven! They are seven!
In he depths of the Ocean, they are seven!
In the heights of the heavens, they are seven.
They come from the Ocean depths, from the hidden retreat.
They are neither male nor female.
They have no spouse. They do not produce children.
They are strangers to benevolence,
They listen neither to prayers nor wishes.
Vermin come forth from the mountain,
enemies of the god Hea,
They are agents of vengeance of the gods,
raising up difficulties, obtaining power by violence.
The enemies! The enemies!
They are seven! They are seven. They are twice seven.
Spirit of the heavens, may they be conjured.
Spirit of the earth, may they be conjured.
Seriously, am I more dellusional then usual, or does that refer to the seven dragons of heaven and earth? >.>;;;;
Anyway, this is about Pazuzu--
They are seven! They are seven!
In he depths of the Ocean, they are seven!
In the heights of the heavens, they are seven.
They come from the Ocean depths, from the hidden retreat.
They are neither male nor female.
They have no spouse. They do not produce children.
They are strangers to benevolence,
They listen neither to prayers nor wishes.
Vermin come forth from the mountain,
enemies of the god Hea,
They are agents of vengeance of the gods,
raising up difficulties, obtaining power by violence.
The enemies! The enemies!
They are seven! They are seven. They are twice seven.
Spirit of the heavens, may they be conjured.
Spirit of the earth, may they be conjured.
Seriously, am I more dellusional then usual, or does that refer to the seven dragons of heaven and earth? >.>;;;;
I woke up around 1 a.m. today XD Today's the third day in a row where I blogged in the early morning hours only XD I think I'm going back to sleep soon XD I missed dinner yesterday ;_; since I decided to take a short nap around 4 p.m....I didn't get up until 1 a.m. XDD Iron Chef was groovy, but a horrible horrible torturous thing to watch when one has missed dinner X_x;; Too bad I missed the earily part of the show where they dealed with killing the live eels XDDDDDDDD Then I randomly started playing Mariokart ^^ I swear it's addictive XD
Oh, and I finished that paper around 5 a.m., an hour earily then the other day XD And I'm pretty much 99.7% sure I will flunk Principles of Biology X_x; Heh...good thing I have decided to major in English instead ^^ I hope that the classes I want don't fill up since my registration date is semi-late.
I could have finished stuff earily yesterday if I didn't decide to random hang-out with a kid named Jason since he has to leave on Sunday because he doesn't have enough money to continue at St. Mary's because one of his loans was concelled, that suxx X_x;; At least I have his email(his college email which might not work since he's leaving and he doesn't have another X_x;), his AIM (he doesn't have internet at home anymore X_x;), and his mailing address (at least he says he isn't going to move anytime soon) It was nice having someone to randomly talk to. I said I might mail him copies of anime series I think he might be interested in sometime XD It's groovy that he knows what yaoi is and likes it, but too bad he hasn't seen any XD

Which Only Smile character are you?
Oh, and I finished that paper around 5 a.m., an hour earily then the other day XD And I'm pretty much 99.7% sure I will flunk Principles of Biology X_x; Heh...good thing I have decided to major in English instead ^^ I hope that the classes I want don't fill up since my registration date is semi-late.
I could have finished stuff earily yesterday if I didn't decide to random hang-out with a kid named Jason since he has to leave on Sunday because he doesn't have enough money to continue at St. Mary's because one of his loans was concelled, that suxx X_x;; At least I have his email(his college email which might not work since he's leaving and he doesn't have another X_x;), his AIM (he doesn't have internet at home anymore X_x;), and his mailing address (at least he says he isn't going to move anytime soon) It was nice having someone to randomly talk to. I said I might mail him copies of anime series I think he might be interested in sometime XD It's groovy that he knows what yaoi is and likes it, but too bad he hasn't seen any XD
Which Only Smile character are you?
Hm, it's 3:15 a.m. X__X;; Ah well, and tomarrow I have an exam in Biology which I have not studies for at all X__x;;;;; But here are some lyrics from a groovy song because I'm easly distracted ~_~;;;
Ever Since
Lyrics: SAYAKA
Ano toki saita hana wo mune ni daita mama
Arukidasezu ni ita michi ga mienakute
Itsu no ma ni ka kono machi kara hikari wa sugata wo kesshite
Dore dake negattemo mata sono yoru ga otozureru no nara
Kowarekaketa yume hiroiatsumetara sou tachiagatte
Zutto mou mae dake wo mite susunde yukeba ii yo
Soshite bokura no aida wo kakenukeru "yoru" wa ima
Tashika ni nanika no imi wo motte bokura wo tsuyoku shite yukun da kitto
Sonna mono dakara
Ano yoru hitorigoto no you ni tsubuyaita
Kimi no kotoba wo wasurerarenakute
"Mezasu basho wa tooku ja naku angai chikaku ni aru ne
Nandemonai ashita taisetsu datte yatto kizuita kara"
Donna mono ni datte mimi wo sumashite aruku arayuru mono ni
Kizuku koto ga dekiru you ni ushinawanai you ni
Kitto mune no oku ni aru hon no chiisana yuuki
Tsuyoku dakishimete boku wa donna zattou mo toki mo
Ikite yukou to omou
Donna yoru mo
Hitori ja nai
Mou ichido dake issho ni hajimeyou
"Maniawanai" nante nai
Kowarekaketa yume hiroiatsumetara sou tachiagatte
Zutto mou mae dake wo mite susunde yukeba ii yo
Soshite bokura no aida wo kakenukeru "yoru" wa ima
Tashika ni nanika no imi wo motte bokura wo tsuyoku shite yukun da kitto
Ever Since
Lyrics: SAYAKA
Ano toki saita hana wo mune ni daita mama
Arukidasezu ni ita michi ga mienakute
Itsu no ma ni ka kono machi kara hikari wa sugata wo kesshite
Dore dake negattemo mata sono yoru ga otozureru no nara
Kowarekaketa yume hiroiatsumetara sou tachiagatte
Zutto mou mae dake wo mite susunde yukeba ii yo
Soshite bokura no aida wo kakenukeru "yoru" wa ima
Tashika ni nanika no imi wo motte bokura wo tsuyoku shite yukun da kitto
Sonna mono dakara
Ano yoru hitorigoto no you ni tsubuyaita
Kimi no kotoba wo wasurerarenakute
"Mezasu basho wa tooku ja naku angai chikaku ni aru ne
Nandemonai ashita taisetsu datte yatto kizuita kara"
Donna mono ni datte mimi wo sumashite aruku arayuru mono ni
Kizuku koto ga dekiru you ni ushinawanai you ni
Kitto mune no oku ni aru hon no chiisana yuuki
Tsuyoku dakishimete boku wa donna zattou mo toki mo
Ikite yukou to omou
Donna yoru mo
Hitori ja nai
Mou ichido dake issho ni hajimeyou
"Maniawanai" nante nai
Kowarekaketa yume hiroiatsumetara sou tachiagatte
Zutto mou mae dake wo mite susunde yukeba ii yo
Soshite bokura no aida wo kakenukeru "yoru" wa ima
Tashika ni nanika no imi wo motte bokura wo tsuyoku shite yukun da kitto
"he's ridiculous, he haunts this lab" >.>;;; Someone just said that of me just now ~_~ Well, I am usually still here around 2 a.m.....The guy who says I haunt the lab said he use to sleep here with his alarm clock and blanket in a room nearby XD I should do that >.>;;;; Currently it's 1:50 a.m. and I'm nowhere near done with my paper ;_; On a side note, my dorm building likes locking me out now....so....I might not be able to get in >.<;;;;
Quizzes from cessy's lj ^^ I take many of her quizzes XDDDD

See which Final Fantasy IX Character you are.
I got him before for another one XD

What's your inner Tono? Screenings done here.

See which Final Fantasy IX Character you are.
I got him before for another one XD

What's your inner Tono? Screenings done here.
I'm painfully aware of the fact that if I don't do something now, I will definitely fail Principles of Biology. Part of me clings to the thought that if I study I'll pass by doing well on the exam. And of course another part of me just doesn't give a damn anymore. I'm not sure with side to follow, lol. I'm sure I'll probably just barely study, and then fail, ah well. I wonder if I should withdrawl from the class before I fail then?
I did a search on the meaning of the first name "Fiore" The result was pretty interesting.
Your first name of Fiore has given you an expressive, diplomatic, and refined nature. (yes yesss, Fiore is definitely refined *_*) Although you have a good appreciation of material values, business ability, and skill in organizing and managing others, your success is restricted by a lack of self-confidence and initiative. (XD is that talking about Fiore or me? XD) You have very expensive tastes, and your desires could well exceed your initiative in providing for them through your own efforts. (Fiore's expensive taste-->Mamoru ~_~) Personal appearance is important to you. (Fiore looks groovyyy *_* And it sounds like I'm talking about myself oO;) You are always well-groomed yourself, and you judge others by your own standard. You do not like to rough it or use much physical energy. Through your diplomatic ways you are able to call on the assistance of others to avoid such matters. (XD well, Fiore didn't use much energy himself, the Kisinian flower did it for him ~_~)You have good business judgment but lack the confidence to carry out your own ideas unless assisted by an associate. (associate = Kisinian flower ~_~) From a desire to eat too many rich foods, your health could suffer through kidney and generative troubles or any problems affecting the fluid functions of the body. *um...is that talking about me or Fiore? XD)
Your first name of Fiore has given you an expressive, diplomatic, and refined nature. (yes yesss, Fiore is definitely refined *_*) Although you have a good appreciation of material values, business ability, and skill in organizing and managing others, your success is restricted by a lack of self-confidence and initiative. (XD is that talking about Fiore or me? XD) You have very expensive tastes, and your desires could well exceed your initiative in providing for them through your own efforts. (Fiore's expensive taste-->Mamoru ~_~) Personal appearance is important to you. (Fiore looks groovyyy *_* And it sounds like I'm talking about myself oO;) You are always well-groomed yourself, and you judge others by your own standard. You do not like to rough it or use much physical energy. Through your diplomatic ways you are able to call on the assistance of others to avoid such matters. (XD well, Fiore didn't use much energy himself, the Kisinian flower did it for him ~_~)You have good business judgment but lack the confidence to carry out your own ideas unless assisted by an associate. (associate = Kisinian flower ~_~) From a desire to eat too many rich foods, your health could suffer through kidney and generative troubles or any problems affecting the fluid functions of the body. *um...is that talking about me or Fiore? XD)
With any luck, I'm passing two classes ~_~ or none XDDDD Met my advisor today, so he says the classes I choose for next semester are okay XD So I need to REMEMBER to register on the right date XD

How can I label you?
brought to you by Quizilla
And more randomness XD

What New Jersey band are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Anime Quiz - Which Escaflowne Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
My favorite character ^^ But I'm not sacraficial or poetic XD
How can I label you?
brought to you by Quizilla
And more randomness XD

What New Jersey band are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Anime Quiz - Which Escaflowne Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
My favorite character ^^ But I'm not sacraficial or poetic XD
Hm, I have a bunch of labs write-ups to do since I'm behind X__x;;; On the bright side, I finally went to "The Grill" here, where it's basically like a Subway XD I got a takeout fries and chicken fingers sub ^^ It's really good *_* And best thing, I don't have to sit in the dinning hall and eat XD I'm eating in the computer lab now even though people aren't suppose to have food/eat in here >.>;;; Ah well XD The other lab monitor doesn't seem to care XD
Oh, and before I got food, I played a car racing form of Mario XD It was fun, I don't know what it was called ^^;; Someone taught me how to play XD I fluctuated between good and really bad, like I do with many video games that I have tried XD For this game I keep falling in the water/lava or getting lost XDDD Proving that even in games my sense of direction is horrible XD
I have to choose my classes for next semester by tomarrooww.....ahhh >.>;;
Oh, and before I got food, I played a car racing form of Mario XD It was fun, I don't know what it was called ^^;; Someone taught me how to play XD I fluctuated between good and really bad, like I do with many video games that I have tried XD For this game I keep falling in the water/lava or getting lost XDDD Proving that even in games my sense of direction is horrible XD
I have to choose my classes for next semester by tomarrooww.....ahhh >.>;;
Alright, so I also had a Biology quiz today also, wonderful. X__x;; I'm pretty sure I failed that and my Drugs, Brain, and Behavior class. I think I came close to passing the Spanish one XDDD I just burned a random CD, hope it works *_* I need to choose what classes to take at some point before tomarrow at 2 p.m. *_* I don't know what classes I am passing now though ~_~ I'm thinking of not taking the second semester of Principles of Biology XD and just flat out major in English no matter what my mother says I should major in ~_~ Oh, that reminds me it's been a month or so since I last wrote home or called >.>;;; I should do that sometime I suppose ~_~ And now, a random quizzes, of course XD One from kawiko's dj and the other from cessy's lj XD Gotta have variaty XD

Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
But I don't have a heart XD And my mind is never in the right place oO; I think it ran away >.>;;;

Which Evil Anime Badass Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
One of my other favorite CB characters XD

Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
But I don't have a heart XD And my mind is never in the right place oO; I think it ran away >.>;;;

Which Evil Anime Badass Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
One of my other favorite CB characters XD
I am vaguely working on Spanish...not really -_-;; Ah well. I believe that if I really wanted to, I can do wonderfully in my classes. But I just can't bring myself to give a damn about my classes.
Two quizzes from Kawiko's dj ^^

What type of manga are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
*dies* I have that picture as a winamp skin XD

Who is Your Cowboy Bebop Soul Mate?
Heh, one of my favorite CB characters actually.
Two quizzes from Kawiko's dj ^^

What type of manga are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
*dies* I have that picture as a winamp skin XD

Who is Your Cowboy Bebop Soul Mate?
Heh, one of my favorite CB characters actually.
Yesterday was an amusing night/morning XD As usual I wandered back to my dorm to watch Adult Swim ^^;;; In the mean time I also drew a random picture ^^ Have a random groovy birthday Shlee! XD Though it's early, XD My drawing skills have certainly gotten worse though oO;;
Anyway, James/Jimmy, I still haven't figured out his name *dies* Everyone calls him Jimmy though. But I could swear he said people call him James too @_@ Anyway, he wandered in to watch Adult Swim too ^^ even though he lives in another dorm XD After Cowboy Bebop some loudddd people came in X__x;;; So I decided to go to my room to watch more Adult Swim, he asked to come with me XD so of course I said sure ^^ Contrary to popular belief, I believe conversing with someone in real life is okay sometimes XD On a random note, he has the funniest puffy hair! XDDD and he's 137 .lbs but about 6 feet tall oO;;;; Someone who's more underweight then I am XDDDDD So we randomly taked which Adult Swim was on ^^ He was amazed that I always thought about food ~_~;;; After Adlut Swim was over he had previously mentioned he had chips in his room and he really likes video games ^^ So when I asked wht kind of chips and he said Sour Cream and Onion of course I came over XDDD The amazing power of foodddd ^^;; Though I probably would have came over anyway since he's groovy XD First we played DDR on the keyboard XDDDDD I had wild moemnts of perfects and great and then imediate moments of misses XD It was entertaining. I loved Butterflu, Boom Boom Dollar, and It's Raining Men XDDDDDDDD It was amusing that he sang to it's raining men also XDD After that it was mainly watching him playing video games,I'm easily amused XD During that time I ate all his chips and a bunch of rice crispy treats XD I stared at me while I wolfed down the chips while playing DDR XD I'm told that while I'm eating I'm better at DDR then when I'm not XDD AT some point I want to learn the games he played XD Killing people looks entertaining XDDD And I'm fond of shooting things in games anyway XD It was highly amusing watching him plya Hitman XD So many weapons to choose from *_* The golf club was probably the most amusing weapon XD
And so I finally wandered back to my dorm around 5 a.m. XD And I'm tired now, but amused. I'm getting flashes of the DDR arrow's in my head to the songs I'm listening to now XDDDD
Tomarrow I have a Drugs, Brain, and Behavior exam, and a Spanish exam X__x;;; Yet I'm busy reading Neji and Angel Sanctuary XD I love Kaori Yuki's stuff so much *_*
Anyway, James/Jimmy, I still haven't figured out his name *dies* Everyone calls him Jimmy though. But I could swear he said people call him James too @_@ Anyway, he wandered in to watch Adult Swim too ^^ even though he lives in another dorm XD After Cowboy Bebop some loudddd people came in X__x;;; So I decided to go to my room to watch more Adult Swim, he asked to come with me XD so of course I said sure ^^ Contrary to popular belief, I believe conversing with someone in real life is okay sometimes XD On a random note, he has the funniest puffy hair! XDDD and he's 137 .lbs but about 6 feet tall oO;;;; Someone who's more underweight then I am XDDDDD So we randomly taked which Adult Swim was on ^^ He was amazed that I always thought about food ~_~;;; After Adlut Swim was over he had previously mentioned he had chips in his room and he really likes video games ^^ So when I asked wht kind of chips and he said Sour Cream and Onion of course I came over XDDD The amazing power of foodddd ^^;; Though I probably would have came over anyway since he's groovy XD First we played DDR on the keyboard XDDDDD I had wild moemnts of perfects and great and then imediate moments of misses XD It was entertaining. I loved Butterflu, Boom Boom Dollar, and It's Raining Men XDDDDDDDD It was amusing that he sang to it's raining men also XDD After that it was mainly watching him playing video games,I'm easily amused XD During that time I ate all his chips and a bunch of rice crispy treats XD I stared at me while I wolfed down the chips while playing DDR XD I'm told that while I'm eating I'm better at DDR then when I'm not XDD AT some point I want to learn the games he played XD Killing people looks entertaining XDDD And I'm fond of shooting things in games anyway XD It was highly amusing watching him plya Hitman XD So many weapons to choose from *_* The golf club was probably the most amusing weapon XD
And so I finally wandered back to my dorm around 5 a.m. XD And I'm tired now, but amused. I'm getting flashes of the DDR arrow's in my head to the songs I'm listening to now XDDDD
Tomarrow I have a Drugs, Brain, and Behavior exam, and a Spanish exam X__x;;; Yet I'm busy reading Neji and Angel Sanctuary XD I love Kaori Yuki's stuff so much *_*