Ohhh...my mother mailed me my winter clothing...interesting. I didn't think she thought of me anymore. I always delay on sending out a letter I keep meaning to write. I'm just not a good person to keep in contact with unless it's online or within walking distance I suppose.
And I am highly amused by
Googlism XDDDD
Googlism for: fiore
fiore is profaci on law & order and dick wolf raped him for
fiore is angry at usagi
fiore is italian for flower
fiore is council 11 vice chair
fiore is council 11 vice chair by robert morrison patrick fiore is vice chairman of the west kendall community council 11
fiore is a partner in the providence
fiore is worry about bruno
fiore is impressive
fiore is the italian chef representative for alabama
fiore is open for wedding parties during the months of april/may and october/november
fiore is a political cartoonist living in san francisco
fiore is director of the center for tobacco research and intervention
fiore is founder and director of the center for tobacco research and intervention
fiore is likely to play behind lopez in a 4
fiore is known for its huge wine list and fine dining
fiore is te koop met haar kleine bonte hengstveulentje
fiore is a full service florist and gallery that specializes in artistically distinctive work and professional quality designs
fiore is the most important apocalyptic thinker of the whole medieval period
fiore is an e
fiore is 1
fiore is a nationally recognized expert on tobacco
fiore is a singer with a dream
fiore is stronger than them
fiore is a graduate of rutgers university with a bachelor of arts degree in economics
fiore is a great mediator
fiore is the perfect remedy for anyone who feels that their intellectual capacity is limited
fiore is a member of the makaiju family
fiore is a certified rehabilitation engineer committed to reversing the rate of unemployment for people with disabilities
fiore is much cooler
fiore is drooling a puddle* aluminum siren
fiore is convinced that the choices
fiore is a current member of the abc board of directors at the national and chapter levels where he has served for the past 12 years
fiore is committed to reversing the rate of unemployment for people with disabilities
fiore is delighted by the gift and then tells darien that
fiore is the 6th pelicans position player ever to earn this honor and the 4th this season
fiore is predominantly a blend of chardonnay and riesling
fiore is being controlled by a little woman
fiore is no dilettante in the wine business
fiore is posted
fiore is the producer of this gala concert celebrating cuba´s independence centennial
fiore is in the tradition of versatile 49ers offensive linemen
fiore is the senior organist at the first presbyterian church of seattle
fiore is a highly trained neurologist who specializes in the treatment of neuromuscular diseases and
fiore is a valuable witness to the literary taste and cultural concerns of medieval italy and to matters of poetic
fiore is under suspicion hopefully this will be over soon doctor lets hope so i bring you an autopsy report later on today lieutenant thank
fiore is now the crime
fiore is a political cartoonist currently living in san francisco
fiore is a psychologist and personal and business coach in southern california
fiore is identical to the others in every way besides his hair colour
fiore is a four piece band featuring lead singer jon fiore
fiore is penciled in to replace the veteran as the starting left guard
fiore is one of america's most distinguished graphic designers and perhaps the most successful of all mcluhan collaborators
fiore is looking forward to her fourth season at albany
fiore is now known to have been firmly linked with the very same nar cell which carried out the bologna bombing
fiore is a cartoonist and illustrator whose influence spans from coast to coast
fiore is tried and convicted of morris' murder
fiore is a writer
fiore is the single reason badger pass is what it is today
fiore is published in 1967
fiore is a member of ncs and aaec
fiore is now the one who will inherit brown's left guard position
fiore is an armbar or a chiave de sotto
fiore is a graduate of occidental college and the university of california hastings college of the law
fiore is an editorial cartoonist and animator whose work has appeared in the washington post
fiore is a child
fiore is an old manor country house just between rome and florence
fiore is president of lt firore
fiore is the hottest villain their is and is the kindest one too
fiore is three syllables? mindful wisdom "movements
fiore is particularly known for its handling of fresh seafood
fiore is an associate in the firm's litigation group
fiore is taken over
fiore is to love his appreciation for life
fiore is
fiore is the name of the alien who
fiore is so awesome
fiore is author of "you have been here before
fiore is very knowledgeable in the areas of hypnosis and pain management
fiore is the enemy in the sailor moon r movie
fiore is proud of our accomplishments as an 8
And it creepied me out by saying "fiore777 is my name" when I looked up fiore777 oO;;