
So my roommates are stilllllll trying to get me to go with them to a club or party or something O_o;; I wonder how long they will persist. Who needs to get out and meet new people -_- I don't XD I actually have no intentions of getting to know anyone on this campus XD In the mean time, I need to cheak if the post office here has postal money orders so that I can buy my deprived self some anime CD's XD...even though they will distract me from me already not doing any homework XDDD

Which Gackt are you most like?

quiz by mcvarmazi

"You are the trenchcoat-clad gloomy Gackt.
Gloomy, a little depressing, but incredibly artistic, "Sekiray" is believed to be one of Gackt's most fascinating pieces to date.
With a music video that fantastically conveys the angry isolation and frustration Gackt sings about, this song can be a real tear-jerker on a really bad day for many fans. If nothing else, it's thought-provoking. "Sekiray" is one of the few songs where the full range of the emotional power can only be experienced through both the song AND video."

I am a dark Gackt fan!
What kind of Gackt fan are you?

quiz by mcvarmazi

"Wasurenai Kara and Marmelade are okay songs, but to you, Gackt is at his utmost best when he's being dark and eerie. You like most of the things he did with Malice Mizer, Seki-Ray is just your thing, and you could hardly contain your joy when you heard Dooms Day."


Aaiiiee!!!!! Tarsiers are SOOOO CUTE! ^^;;; I'm easily amused by cute things, so sue me XD. "The eyes are the tarsiers’ most notable features. Each eye is bigger than the entire brain." O_o;;;; But so cute ^^;;;; "Tarsiers can rotate their head almost 180 degrees in each direction, like owls." I wish I could do that *_* "The Tarsier closes its eyes when it eats its prey, and open its eyes only when the prey's head is already inside its mouth." That's my favorite part in the discription that I found of it, that's just too cute! in a morbid sort of way XD And as mercuryprncess said, they really do look like something from the mating of a furby with a tree frog O_o;;;
Hm, it's Friday, cheers! Ah...so much reading I should be doing for my classes, lol. Only first week and I'm already slacking..but I'm always a slacker. On a side note, it's impossible to find a quiet place to study in the dorm -_- Two of my roommates (and so I wonder, how is that spelled? Roommate...room mate...or room-mate?) keep bring in a bunch of female friends in at 12 a.m. or after. -_- The music they play is not that kind I would listen to when I go to sleep so I don't think I actually slept any last night. But I usually don't sleep XD It's really annoying when there are girls over in the dorm room all the time because I can't change my clothing and I have to go out of my room to change...arghh....I shouldn't be so annoyed by that, but it's partially my room and I would like to change in it at some point -_- In the mean time, the dinning room always has fortune cookies during lunch and dinner *_* So I got a fortune cookie and it reads "You are more likely to give thean give in." Seems like fortune cookies aren't fortunes anymore but personality predictors -_- On a side note *cheers* a CD I ordered came to my aquaintance's house today. I wonder when I will get around to getting it O_o;;;

i am...a fanboy

which tatsuha are you? click here!

What kind of Drug Addict are you?

"Basically, your favorite phrase is "Kiss my ass." You are cynical, negative, and annoyed. Nothing amuses you or holds your attention. You don't care for much of anything in the world, but wouldn't mind a couple extra hours of sleep. Sometimes you just don't know how to deal with all the extra, pointless crap that life throws at you. Hang in there, kiddo. ;) "


And in another attempt to not do my boring reading homework, I joined a bunch of clique's for my blog XD, but of course it's for stuff I like *_*

Take the "What Jokers Card are you?" Test

created by bridgette
Ah...any excuse not to do homework XD:

You Are a Goth!

You're so gothically outrageous, and you aren't afraid to flaunt it.

Whether you dress up like Robert Smith or a tragic Little Bo Peep,

chances are that you'll be parading around with the rest of the goths at Yoyogi Park on Sunday.

Don't forget your white makeup and blue lipstick! Who knows?

You may just get picked up by one of the seedy photographers.

What's *Your* Japanese Subculture?

Will fiore777 Survive A Pit Match Against Clinton And Bush?

12% chance Bush would kill you.
0% chance Clinton would kill you.
0% chance he would sexually harass you.
88% chance you would kill them.
Enter Combat

...that's one of the funniest ones I've taken yet XD

The B-Movie That Suits Me Is:

Mr. Vampire: Hong Kong, like Hollywood, is not known for creativity. Although similar to A Chinese Ghost Story, this movie is unique in many ways. Well written and played out, this funny horror is a true treat.

Find out which b-movie suits you.

Am I The Greatest Song In The World?

Rock: Indeed, I am the greatest song in the world! But you shalt never hear me, for I am far to great to be heard by the ears of mortals.

Are you the greatest song in the world?

I Am The Sex Toy:

Hi-Tech Masterpiece: Some say that I was developed in a top secret lab while others say I was developed by aliens for my probing capabilities, but only I know the truth! My mission here on earth is to launch a full out assault on your genitals with my spinning beads, vibrations, and clitoris teaser. My LCD screen keeps you informed, but only with information I want you to have! Mwua-ha-ha!

Find out what sex toy you are.

.....O_o;;; That is just too entertaining XD
A funny X site I got from Michira *_* Just a Little Ecchi XDD

*yawn* I'm getting use to not waking up that early, which probably isn't that good, ah well. My flip-flops started annoying me so I'm walking around campus barefoot now XD I wonder why I'm getting strange looks from people. I should be doing reading for several of my classes since I'm already a day behind and it's only the first week XD But I'm well versed in the skills of slacking XD Which reminds me I have yet to turn in that job application even though I'm suppose to be modeling for classes on the 13th Ah well. In the mean time, did you kids know that the national anthem is sang to the tune of a british drinking song called Anacreon in Heaven? XDDDD One of the only things I learned from my Music History class today -_-;;


Ah...I might have to transfer out of my Spanish class...damn it...picky person. Hm...though I might be able to stay in if I do totally horribly on the Spanish placement test...which I plan to do XDDD Anyway, yesterday was a tiring night, and it was only the second day! I had a Biology lab that was suppose to last from 6:00 p.m .to 8:50 p.m....I hate Microsoft Excel now...the lab actually took until 10:30 p.m.! O_o;;; At least the teacher promised that that would be the longest lab that we will ever do...weee...Hm, all of my classes are over for today, so at some point I will have to do homework XDD In the mean time, I still don't know if I can work! lol


Another quiz of course XD:

What's your Chocolate flavor?

Quiz made by Chesa
Second day of classes and I already have a cold -_-;;; Ah well, XD, better now then later, although I'm sure I'll get another cold later XD Anyway, I took a random quiz from Shlee's blog ^^:

I'm a Twinkie!

What Snack Food are YOU? Click here to find out!

"Spongy, yellow, and an utter mystery, you're the X-file of snack foods! More people ponder you than consume you, but you don't mind--you get to remain uneaten and...er...free to do Twinkish things! *grin*"....XD I like Twinkies ^^


And now on to an update on that old entry XD I have a job offer for modeling for studio art classes here ^^ (with my clothing on of course XDDD) I just have to fill out the forms...knowing me, I probably won't because I'm lazy. But the job's a groovy one since I don't have to do much XD I just have to stay still for short and long amounts of times. I'm good at that....much like sitting at the computer for endless amounts of time or pretending I'm asleep when people try to talk to me XD Hm....never had a job before O_o;;; *shrugs* It's all able the money and if I think I need it XD, ah well. In the mean time, when I was in the library there was a metal orchestra playing outside, it was okay with me since it was groovy music ^_^
Silly Blogger won't let me post -_-...aHHH!!! Works now!!!! Anyway, on to the entry I saved then XD::: Ah....first day of classes today O_o;;; All classes over now though. On a random note my Spanish teacher said "I would like to do you..." instead of "I would like you to do...." for the beginning of a sentence XD At least I was just about the only one who noticed. And now I have to go get a job, or try anyway XD money...guess it's necessary O_o;;;


Hm...got my college textbooks today O_o;;....$345....well, at least that's less then someone I know how spent $500 O_o;;;...*cheers* for used textbooks XD Today I also had to do a community service thing which was part of orientation. Since they were throwing away the toys and such they had, they said we could take whatever we wanted XDD I took 12 kid's blocks, the soft kind, they are very comfortable to sit on collectively XD I randomly saw someone from my high school ^^ and I think I'm partially addicted to cherry tomato's due to my sailing course and the salad bar here XD Classes start tomarrow...O_o;;;...ah.....hm...I should find out where they are! XD Aside from that, I do plan to get some sort of job on campus ^^
I followed a link from merc's blog to a couple of quizzes *_*, so of course I took them XD:::

Super Teen Extrodinaire

Take the Cartoon Hero Quiz?.

Hm....I think i got Freakazoid from another quiz I took O_o;;;

Ying and Yang was never so much fun.

Find out what anime bad boy you are.

XDDDD and O_o;;;;

The background character in Freakazoid.

Find out what secondary animated character you are.

Another character from Freakazoid -_-;;;...


Find out what bishonen you are.

I'm in no state of shock there XD

Ripping Apart At The Seams

What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?


Kickin' Ass

Find out what anime character cliche you are.

but ending up dead is a good thing XD


What fuzzy creature are you?

XD Of course I'm creepy ^^;;; at this point I pause to comment that there are alot of quizzes XD


Find out what anime character cliche you are.

Why do I sense a pattern of evil -_-;;;

cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#000000" height="200"


Futuristic Evil

Find out what anime villan you are.

The Greatest Evil...Crossdresser

Find out what Cartoon villan you are.

*dies* O_o;;;

Bebop's Earth

Find out what Cartoon location you are.

A thing for water? O_o;;

Find out what anime series you belong in.

A groovy series ^^

Take This Quiz!

wow...out of quizzes on that site XD