Which Gackt are you most like?
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Gloomy, a little depressing, but incredibly artistic, "Sekiray" is believed to be one of Gackt's most fascinating pieces to date.
With a music video that fantastically conveys the angry isolation and frustration Gackt sings about, this song can be a real tear-jerker on a really bad day for many fans. If nothing else, it's thought-provoking. "Sekiray" is one of the few songs where the full range of the emotional power can only be experienced through both the song AND video."

I am a dark Gackt fan!
What kind of Gackt fan are you?
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"Wasurenai Kara and Marmelade are okay songs, but to you, Gackt is at his utmost best when he's being dark and eerie. You like most of the things he did with Malice Mizer, Seki-Ray is just your thing, and you could hardly contain your joy when you heard Dooms Day."