
Today I didn't wake up until 3 p.m. O_o;;; I think it's getting to be a habit of waking up late now, oh well. I still got my blasted sore throat, but I still haven't lost my voice, how sad -_-;;; Anyway, today I 4 graphic novels randomly *_* The 5th Peach Girl manga, 3rd Love Hina, 2nd Planet Ladder, and 4th Corrector Yui ^^. I'll be reading them during the commercial breaks of the Cowboy Bebop marathon tonight on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network I'm sure XD

You are: Nabooru

You may appear to be mean at times, but you really do have a good heart.

Which Zelda Character are you? Quiz by Chocokitty13
Hm...I have a sore throat and I'm sneezing my head off XD With any luck maybe I can loose my voice and not have to talk to anyone *_* Actually, I've lost my voice a couple of times before by not drinking enough and yelling a bunch, that was fun. Though the coughing is annoying some people in this computer lab here, oh well. My public policy teacher once mentioned that they people who should have 'bless you' said to them are people who cough, not people who sneeze. His reasoning was something along the lines of people who cough alot sound a hell lot more likely to die then people who are sneezing alot -_-;;;; I had an interesting teacher. Hm, I should check my grade for that class sometime, but I'm lazy, oh well, aside from that I don't have the password to check -_-;;;;
Today I went home to drop off stuff and to put up stuff, as usual things are tense between my mother and I and yelling was involved. As for as I can tell, the yelling will continue. Oh well, at least I'm not home now.

Which Firearm are you?
brought to you byStan Ryker

...niceeeee *_*


And here go the Blog responses randomly XD:

LGTmars~~~~I'm in awe that I bothered having a blog too XD Your blog is so cute! *_*

Jujube13~~~*takes your computer anyway* BWAahahhahahah.......*then again....decides to run away from glomp instead....* XD Hoobastank are groovy *_* Too bad I didn't go to HFestival ;_; oh well Oh yeah, gemtiger is the person who runs the grep blogger ring *_*

Chibisakuya~~~~Ha! Now your name isn't shorter *_*, be in awe XD When I hear babylon I think of Tokyo Babylon too, though mostly it's an image of the characters in a garden -_-;;;;; The relationship of babylon to the bible doesn't really get in my head since I barely remember reading any of the bible....-_- oh well XD

Michira~~~~~Groovy tagboard you just got at your site *_* I think i said I loved your blog layout before, but I still love it *_* Angel Sanctuary rules. I like Kira best *_*...ah....I want an Angel Sanctuary CD now *_*

Gemtiger~~~~I never knew I had a blog either XD I actually just made it this month ^^ Groovy that you added me ^^

Scandia~~~~~Congratulations on getting the teaching job ^^ I hope it goes groovily *_* Il Palazzo is groovy, he's so funny. And his seiyuu rules, though not as much as Midorikawa Hikaru does XDD
Oooga booga, Evy, one of the random people I know from *Grep just told me there's going to be a patent pending on jpeg compression technology......O_O;;;; That's sooo MESSED UP!...so call digital cameras, scanners, and such have to pay royalties....O_o;;;
On another note, be in awe, I wasn't online all of yesterday, for one whole day, not internet XDD...thought that might partially be because I woke up at 4 p.m. XD Yesterday i went rollerskating with the program I was in O_o;; I only feel 3 times in 2 hours XD, which isn't that bad since the last time I skated was last year around this time -_-;; Which reminds me that I should re-learn swimming since I might be going to a boating program after the one I'm in now, I'm barely ever home in the summer, but that's groovy, since I don't much care for being home. I learned today that I'm going to have three roommates for college...the room better be large XD So far I know one of them is also Vietnamese like I am, but that's all I know ^_^ If any of you kids are curious, St. Mary's College is where I'm going, it's in Maryland ^^...what is an honors college anyway? O_o;;;;...it sounds scary XD


Alright, I removed the quotes in my sidebar here and put them in my livejournal, which will currently house all the groovy quotes I come across ^^ And probably some random thoughs also *shrugs* I love the mood things on livejournal *_*, so cute! And now I'm sufficiently confused since I editing both my blog and livejournal @_@ Erk, the headphones I'm using are dying on me, one side keeps not working -_-;; at least it does work after ajusting the position awhile, I must have music...bwwahahahahaha -_-;;; Which reminds me that I need to get new headphones....after I kill all my money at Otakon of course XD Which reminds me I need to contact some people to see if I really can us someone's extra ticket and go and thus only pay for room, bwahahahah *_*...I'm cheap and proud of it *_*....I can't move my head or the one side that's messed-up of the headphones stop working again....;_; oh well XD
Attack of the random quizzes....XD ::::

Dope HEADz

You were meant to be in Dope HEADz! You're a person who is content to stand on the sidelines while the others get the spotlight, though you know that you're just as good as they are. You've got connections in high places, though, and you'll use them if you have to.

Take the "Which Unknown Jrock Band Should You Be In?" quiz

Brought to you by Shiroi Heya

Who's Your Inner Florist/Assassin?

Why are you wasting your time here? You could be having sex with . . .

Which Weiß Kreuz guy could you be having sex with?

....so I'm like Aya and I could be having sex with Yohji? XDDDDDDDDDD
Woo! I can publish randomly now XD, anyway, I just randomly removed the quotes that were in my side bar into my live journal which Reika made a code for me ^^ I keep messing up the html of the tagboard, or actually of the whole blog -_-;;;; Oh well. XD...now it's fixed thankx to Shlee and words I didn't understand XD
I skipped out on helping in the Techical Writing class today, even though I left my stuff in the room XD Since there are two other SIBS who will be there, no point in my falling sleep...I mean helping there ^____^;;; *yawn* Crazy students making me wake up at 6:00 a.m. to take them to the computer lab to type up papers, at least I got food at breakfast *_*

quiz brought to you by awaresa

take the quiz here

I am 80% Tortured Artist

Angst, and bitter resentment drive me to create works that not a single idiot will ever come close to grasping. Ah, the raw and unforgiving statements that bleed from my soul are so misunderstood.

Take the Tortured Artist Test at fuali.com

I am 49% Grunge

What's this? The longest I've been without a shower is three days? Not even close, man. I should go sit out in the rain for a week.

Take the Grunge Test at fuali.com


....it's 10:10 p.m. outside the computer lab and i hear a bunch of pounding like someone trying to knock in the walls and the floor next door -_-;;; what a soothing sound to type to eh? In the mean time, I'm here typing up a report for a student because her disk didn't save, blahhhhh. When will people learn the wonders of saving something to email also just in case? Oh well, back to typing, and editing her some-what poorly worded paper.
Erkk...I get to help the students in their English class now since two of the TC's (tutor counselor's) either quit or were fired, so the JTC's/SIBS, same thing, there are six of them, I'm one of them, get to do the jobs of the TC's who left, bllahhhh...for free -_-;;; What a cheap program. Though it does makes sense I suppose since the program is half-way through. I've been thinking of making a two other blogs, one for quotes and one for quizzes since I have too many of both....and the collection is just going to grow XD, but I might be too lazy to *shrugs*
I just wasted time before dinner rearranging the mess in my sidebar here and adding a bunch of random groovy quotes ^^;; Time for dinner, fooodddd *_*

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Symbolism: More Symbolism Than You Can Shake a Stick At

what movie symbolism are you? find out!

Who's Your Inner Koyasu-sama?


Box Car Racer
"I Feel So"

I wish I was brave
I wish I was stronger
I wish I could feel no pain
I wish I was young
I wish I would try
I wish I was honest
I wish I was you not I

I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callous
So lost, confused, just mad
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
Let's start over
Let's start over

I wish I was smart
I wish I made cures for
How people are
I wish I had power
I wish I could leave
I wish I could change the world
For you and me

I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callous
So lost, confused, just mad
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
Let's start over
Let's start over

I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callous
So lost, confused, just mad
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
Let's start over
Let's start over

I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callous
So lost, confused, just mad
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
Let's start over
Let's start over

In the mean time, I suppose to go skating with the program I'm in, but it got cancelled and we were noticed at the last minute. If we didn't wait to hear any word we would already be there for no reason, what kind of shit is that? Blah, I'm just tired from being around the students and cheering up other people who were depressed by being my ever cheerful joker that I seem to be. At least I'm use to it, so it seems.
I was going to wake up at 6:30 a.m. to go eat breakfast on campus, but I got lazy and didn't physically get out of bed until around 9:00 a.m. XD At least I made it to the post office and got two money orders for the two items I won from Ebay ^^ Anyway, I'm still barely awake *yawn* Since the summer college course I was taking is over, I get to help students in the program I'm in...oh jooyyyyyyy. Well, I have dinner soon, *yawn* foooooddd rules *_*
I randomly disabled the 'obscenity filter' on the tage-board XD So people can cuss now, I'll let it stay like that unless some idiot people come around and really start saying some nasty shit XD


I didn't wake until 3 p.m. today O_o;;; And I went to sleep early...well....early for me anyway XD I went to sleep around 3 a.m., that's still about 12 hours of sleep O_O Too much sleep makes me tired *yawn* I want to go back to sleep now. Hmm, people I know here in the program I'm in are commenting that I'm quieter then usual and asking if there's something wrong with me O_o;;; They probably are use to me being hyper. Afterall, they think it's really really weird when I'm tired. Oh well.

Test, test?