
Okay, after going to dinner I realized that people are too friendly or want to get to know other people on campus too much. I always sit by myself and eat, it's what I like. People always think that because of that I need company. Do you know how annoying it is when I'm eating and people keep trying to get to know me? It's time to eat, not talk -_-;;; I'm probably just too obsessed with food, and I'm anti-social in real-life....-_-;;;;
I FINALLY have a schedule of the classes I'm going to take first semester of college *dies* After having it changed 2 times before because the classes were filled O_o;;;; On the bright side, at least the classes I got are okay ^^

Biology 105: Principles of Biology I on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:20 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
to go with that I have BIO105L: Principles of Biology I Lab on Tuesday from 6:00 p.m to 8:50 p.m.

ILCS 101: Elementary Spanish I (I skipped out on the foreign language testing since I was so late XD, so I probably cool take level II or something considering I got A's in Spanish level 3 XD, but why take something higher when it fullfuls the requirements anyway? I'm happily lazy ^^) on Mon, Wednesday, and Friday from 12:00 p.m. to 1:10 p.m.

PSYC314: Drugs, Brains, and Behavior on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1:20 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Hm...prerequisite was PSYC 101, but that's okay since I got a 4 on the AP exam...even though now I don't remember a thing about the material I suppositely learned XD

PHEC101: General Conditioning (who knows why I'm taking a random physical education class O_o;;;) on Tuesday and Thurday from 10:00 a.m. to 10:50 a.m.

MUSC205: Music in History on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 p.m. to 3:50 p.m.


Oh, I meant those were the classes I was planning to take. I'm on the college campus now, it was entertaining trying to find it -_-;;; I know I'm not in a densely populated area like I'm use to when I see furry creatures which are not rats or squirrels -_-;;; In the mean time, I had to wayyy change my decision on classes. The reasion being the classes were full or time clashed ^^ So I don't have an English class this year O_o;;;; *dies* Guess that bodes well for me being an English major, don't you think? XDDDDD At least I have the Biology class I want. And also I have math, art, and history (instead of English -_-;;;;). I forgot that I wanted to take piano, so I'm only registered...well, will be, hopefully...-_-;;;;....registered for 4 classes for a total of 16 credits. On a side note, yesterday I got a fortune cookie reading "you will soon accomplish something which will bring you great credit" Hopefully it means college credits XD


Since I'm relatively bored, I might as well blog about what classes I'm thinking about taking in college O_o;;;(descriptions taken from the St. Mary's course catalog ^^::::

ENG 102. Composition
"In this course, students consider writing as a major tool for discovering what they think, examining these thoughts, communicating them effectively, and generating ideas as they take in new information. This course will generally use peer group techniqes to help develop a sense of audience and purpose. Each section of ENGL 102 will have a primary focus or subject matter determined in advance by the instructor, and students will be introduced to various strategies for refining their thinking by taking their writing through the drafting, crafting, editing, and polishing processes, ENGL 102 is prerequisite to all subsequent English courses and satisfies the general education requirement in compisition when completed with a grade C or better." Hm, generally students are suppose to take ENGL 101. Introduction to Writing first, but I don't have to, or so they said last -_-;;;, because students who scored a 600 or better on the SAT's take ENGL 102 ^^

ART 204. Introduction to Drawing
"An introduction to the fundamental issues, materials, and techniques of drawing. Drawing skills and visual awareness are addressed through formal exercises and creative projects. Emphasis is given to developing an understanding of the basic principles of two-demensional design and the depiction of form and space. This course satisfies the general education requirement in arts." Drawing...*cheers*....I think ^^;;;;;

BIOL 101. Contemporary Bioscience with Laboratory
"An introductory biology course for studentss who desire an overview of biological concepts and contemporary issues in biology and environmental sciences. The scientific method as a way of knowing will be stressed. Sections of this course are topical, with topics drawn from ecology and environmental sciences, cell and molecular biology, evolution, human biology, and other areas of biology. Lecture and laboratory. This course satisfies the general education requirement in biological science and the general education laboratory requirement." Hm...I've grown to dislike Biology from my AP Biology class in high school which I completely found boring, but maybe I'll have a more interesting teacher...or not *shrugs*

Those are the classes I'm pretty sure I'm taking I'm going to take another, but I have yet to really decide what -_-;;;;
Hm, I was suppose to finally go buy some stuff for college today, but I never got around to it, oh well ^^;;; Currently I have a nasty looking gash on my leg and I have no clue what it's from -_-;;; Ah well, I'm accident prone and oblivious that way. And of course I got around to taking a random quiz ^^...or two ^^;;;;..hm..or more XDDD:

which song describes you the best?

I actually really like that song ^^;;

Which flock do you follow?

this quiz was made by alanna

You are a -
Grunger Sheep!
I wear and do what I like. Stuff fashion and your scary pop music.

....scary XD

I'm Ashley shooting up!

[{SLOTH}] I'm Ashley shooting up, which of Mary-Kate and Ashley's Seven Deadly Sins are You? by Clicks and Buzzes

*dies* That's too...funny ^^;;;; I'm always sloth, I would have thought I was gluttony XD since food rules *_*_*_*


*_* A Sesshoumaru shrine that I rather like ^^ He's currently one of my top anime character obsessions randomly ^^
So I have the urge to post lyrics to a song I'm listening to on repeat now...for the past hour or so...^^;;;

Side :: Travis
Well I believe there's someone watching over you
They're watching every single thing you say
And when you die
They'll set you down and take you through
You'll realise one day

That the grass is always greener on the other side
The neighbour's got a new car that you wanna drive
And when time is running out you wanna stay alive
We all live under the same sky
We all will live, we all will die
There is no wrong, there is no right
The circle only has one side

We all try hard to live our lives in harmony
For fear of falling swiftly overboard
But life is both a major and minor key
Just open up the chord
Randomness....of course ^^:::::

fioreail777: sushi kicks arse
majinteebee: no, WE kick arse
fioreail777: XDDDDDD
majinteebee: wait...we KILL arse....
majinteebee: nah...
majinteebee: we just kill
majinteebee: there

So I'm entertaining the though of making a food fan team at sailormoon.org...again XD since the first one I had I gave to someone and it was changed to something else ^^ Hm...on a side note, anyone else likes bagels with strawberry jam and cream cheese? ^^ I got around to reading the 2nd graphic novel of Paradiss Kiss, the 1st graphic novel of Slayers, the 2nd and CCS: Master of the Clow ^^ Now I'm reading the 4th graphic novel of Love Hina ^^ Busy day of reading XD


Alright, I finished reading Dragon Knights 3, I really like the series *_*, but of course I do, if I didn't I wouldn't have gotten up to gn 3 ^^ I'm glad that the series is fairly long though *_* I'm done with reading manga today, I'll save some for another day ^^ I'm going back to messing with the layout of my blog ^^ In the mean time, I did get around to adding a random picture in my blog so that it looks less empty near the tagboard ^^

randomness of course ^^
I'll slowly working through reading my collection of manga now ^^ I got around to reading Dragon Knights 2 and Ranma 1/2 30. Now I'm reading Dragon Knights 3 ^^ In the mean time, I think some lovely bug bit me since my arm's itching like crazy -_-;;;; In the meantime, I'm going to mess with my blog layout some more, so it might be even more eccentric -_-;;;;
I randomly took a Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are you? quiz ^^;;;: "You're Raphael. You have a hot temper and you never let anyone get the best of you. You believe in using deadly force to obtain what you desire in life." ah...of course -_-;;;

Click here to take the quiz!