
Currently getting my arse around to reading the second volume of Tokyo Babylon so far. I love this part:::

Lady: It's nice to be in love with a student, isn't it sir?
Seishirou: Oh yes! I just wish my feelings were more openly returned.
Lady: You make a delightful couple. Your beloved is very beautiful. Her husky voice makes are such a lovely girl.
Seishirou: He's not a girl
*Subaru currently has the CUTEST expression XDDDDDD*
Lady: Eh? Not a Girl!?
Seishirou: He's a boy.

*dies laughing* and after that when Subaru's pager went off he and Seshirou have really funny expressions too. I just generally like it when they make amusing faces XDDDD


In the spirit of Holloween, go here ^_~

Just finished watching Billy Madison, a very funny movie XDDD And tomarrow...wow, not 12 a.m. yet XD is the ball, XD I won't dance, but I'll help set up and listen to the music and watch people dance XDDDD
WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Mercp. for the CDDDDDDDD's! XDDD And the candy XDDDD *dies* Actual candy in the mail *dies* *eating one of the Nips now, I love Nips! XDDD I will wander my way over to a computer with sound shortly so that I can listen to the CD's *_* Oh, and I got two other packages, items I won from ebay, for my Holloween custom actually XDDD I wonder if I will get my Holloween make-up in time for Holloween then *_*_*_* Oh, and I only have ONE failing grade oO;;; Would have thought I was failing at least....ah...all of them XDDDD *runs around* WEeee...CD's!!! XDDDDDDDDD and canndyyyy XDDDDD And the candy isn't melted XD probably because it's been relatively cold lately, weeeee XDDD
*pokes* XD Currently having difficulties with images XD Since I'm too lazy to get rid of the floating red X, i'll just let it float until I find something else XD Though, I could always make it snow again XD
I know what I want to be when I grow up, a Ninja Massage Master XDDDDD In the mean time I really should be doing my Spanish >.>;;; Oh yeah, Steve's still bugged about my not being paid since I have yet to turn in the paperwork XDDDD I think I finally figured out why I don't want to get paid yet. I think getting paid would just distract me and make me more nervous and thus do a worse job XD Andd, randomness::::

fioreail777: how are you?
MajinTeeBee: penisly good
fioreail777: oO;;;;

Took a groovy test-type thing I which got from cessy's lj. Since I'm naturally left handed, but I've been taught to only use my right hand to write, I took the test for both XD If I were right handed...my results are all a little higher XDDD But I did change some of my answers so *shrugs*

right handed results:::
Linguistic 27
Mathematics 21
Visual/Spatial 36
Body/Kinesthetic 31
Naturalistic 28
Music 46
Interpersonal 18
Intrapersonal 20

left handed::::
Linguistic 26
Mathematics 20
Visual/Spatial 35
Body/Kinesthetic 27
Naturalistic 26
Music 42
Interpersonal 17
Intrapersonal 19


Today watching the kids for Tomarrow's Child was so amusing XD They were making masks for Holloween (we get to take them trick-or-treating, woo!! Hm..wonder if I will get free candy too ^^;;;) There was one kid who kept tring to talk to me XD Probably because I looked interesting or somethin *shrugs* There was such a huge mess after it all though Oo;;; Being amused by kids has the bad side-effect of making forget about going dinner. At least I remembered to go in time to get food today unlike two other days XDD Oh, and here's very random part of a very strangee conversation I had with someone XD:::

masteralexiel: *dies instead*
fioreail777: good XD
fioreail777: *buries you*
fioreail777: *raids your house for anime/manga..*
fioreail777: XD
masteralexiel: you want me to die? I feel loved ;_;
masteralexiel: AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
masteralexiel: NOOOOOO!!!!!
fioreail777: yes, i love the majority of the population just as much XD
masteralexiel: I resent that
fioreail777: >.>;; *sneaks off with refrigerator instead*
fioreail777: <.<;; no one will notice the missing fridge...
masteralexiel: *can't do anything*
masteralexiel: *but my spirit can* XD
fioreail777: ^^;;;;;;
fioreail777: *shakes the Spirit can and puts it on top of the mound of ground where you are*
fioreail777: *continues wandering off with fridge*
fioreail777: food food fooddd XD
masteralexiel: You are SOOOOOOOOOO evil. >:o

Oh, do you know any good Tokyo Babylon fics? I'm starting to get addicted. ^^;;;;
fioreail777: thank you XD
fioreail777: um, nope XD
masteralexiel: *spirit dies*
fioreail777: evil--one of the great things about life XD
fioreail777: XDDDDD
fioreail777: *ah...um...cans spirit*
fioreail777: XD
masteralexiel: What are you going to do with me, MORTAL?!
fioreail777: see if i can sell it at a pawn store >.>;;
fioreail777: who says I a mortal? oO;
masteralexiel: You're human, so you're mortal. :-P
fioreail777: I am? oO;
fioreail777: what shock *_*
masteralexiel: *ish a vampy herself*
masteralexiel: lol
fioreail777: weee
fioreail777: *sells you to the pawn shop*
fioreail777: weee, more money for fooooddddddd
masteralexiel: how much money?
fioreail777: aw, your spirit only was enough to buy me a pizza
fioreail777: XD
masteralexiel: I'm worth more than that! ..........I think........
fioreail777: but you don't know XD
masteralexiel: *dies......again in shame*
fioreail777: you know pawn shop owners always pay less then what something is worth anyway XD
masteralexiel: Still cruel *pouts*
fioreail777: XDDD *watches your spirit pout in the pawn shop window as I eat a pizza*
masteralexiel: I can always escape you know, I can blow this place into oblivion if I wanted to.
fioreail777: yes, but after I finish the pizza ^^
masteralexiel: I think now...... *blows up building* BWAH!
fioreail777: *finished pizza so doesn't care*
fioreail777: XD
fioreail777: I eat face anyway
fioreail777: Oo;
fioreail777: fast
masteralexiel: LOL
fioreail777: *Dies*
masteralexiel: cannibal, no?
fioreail777: *buries myself*
fioreail777: XDD
fioreail777: how did you know?
fioreail777: XD
masteralexiel: HA! you are vanquished, mortal!
masteralexiel: o_O
fioreail777: XD I am?
masteralexiel: you're dead now :-D
fioreail777: <--is resurrected
masteralexiel: NOOOOOO!!!!!!
fioreail777: resurrected...hm...can't spell
masteralexiel: *^&%*&%&^ *curses more*
fioreail777: <--as good as new XD
masteralexiel: I need a body............ *possess him* HA!
masteralexiel: possesses*
masteralexiel: o_O
fioreail777: *kicks you out*
fioreail777: XP
fioreail777: possess...XDDD
masteralexiel: &%^&..........*possesses a bulldog*
fioreail777: you had your posse gang up on him! XDDD
masteralexiel: WOOF!
fioreail777: CUTE!!!!
masteralexiel: o_O
masteralexiel: AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
fioreail777: *pokes bulldog*
fioreail777: *here's a chew toy ^^*
masteralexiel: *rips his finger off*
masteralexiel: WOOF! BARK! AWOOOOOOOO!!!!!
fioreail777: *takes finger back and eats it*
fioreail777: *shrugs*
fioreail777: wasn't a very important finger anyway
fioreail777: *gets a cybernetic finger XD*
masteralexiel: O_O *yelps and runs away*
fioreail777: awwww, the cute dog's going away ;_;
masteralexiel: I'd rather be a corgy -_-
masteralexiel: sp?
fioreail777: I know what they look like, but i can't sell XD
masteralexiel: sell what? your body?
masteralexiel: J/K!
masteralexiel: can't believe I said that >_>
fioreail777: oO;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Oh the great strange conversations XD
I was almost late to my first class today XD (compared to yesterday when I was actually late -_-;;) but one of my roommates woke me up XD I suppose that's one good thing about having a roommate. Oh, one of my roommates had someone sleep over last night, I stepped on the person XDDDDD Hm, got another random error message from sm.org, I get way too many of those. Today's said "method not allowed" when I clicked the login button X__x;; At least it worked after I refreshed the page Oo;; And now, music theory class. Oh the thrill *yawn*

Why Will You Go To Hell?

brought to you by Quizilla

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
yes yes, heroes are pesky XD


Wow, I'm heading back to the dorms before 12:00 a.m., be in awe XD Wonder what time I will actually go to sleep though -_-;;; Oh, I actually got a 90% on the first Spanish Exam Oo;;; How did that happen? X__x;; not like I studied since I never do anymore -_-;; Ah well, it was strange seeing something higher then a 70% for an exam XDDDD
Work was amusing XD And staying in a comfortable position for 20 minutes or more is painful X__x;;; I forgot about that -_-;; Ah well XD Oh, the lady seems to be slighly annoyed or worried or something about my still not turning in my forms to get paid ^^;;;


Note to oneself, oh terribly forgetful person who checks one's blog more then one checks one's planbook:::
tomorrow, Wednesday the 23th--

tabling for the mask making table at 3-5 p.m.
modeling in the painting studio at 6-8:30 p.m.
STARS 8:30-wheennnnever...or is it at 9 X__x;;; aiee...-_-;;

Anyway, done with notes to oneself, carry one with one's slacking. One is reading Wish, so far up to 3rd graphic novel. One has zip files of the 4th graphic novel too *_* One wonders if self will get around to reading it. Maybe now XD One's favorite character so far is Kouryuu *_* *spoilers ahead for Wish XD* It was funny when Kouryuu was hitting on Shuchirou XD And the schizophrenic cat which fell in love with Kohaku was funny too XD and I loved the part where Shuchirou grabbed the Usyagi XDDDDD It is slightly annoying after a couple times when Kokyou keeps getting interupted when he's about to say something about Shuchirou -_-;; I like (Shinichirou) Shuchirou's grandfather XDD Man...names hard to remember X__x;; Okay, deffinnnitely reading the fouth book, the story is too groovy to stop -_-; Lucky this series is short XD *almost done reading, 12:13 a.m. now XD* Ohh..in 100 years Kokyou is still as hot as ever XD Awwww, even the cat got reincarnated! And now, I finished, it was a sweet ending ^^ Interesting to see how different the god in this story is from the one in Angel Sanctuary XD *ends spoilers* XD

One heard that there was another shooting today, one thinks -_-; That would be the 10th killing and the 13th shooting. This one was in one's city, Silver Spring, M.D. One is amused that one isn't in one's city anymore. And yes, one knows one is being insensitive, so? Ah well.

And one does not know why one is refering to oneself as one -_-;


Thoughts on me XD

MercuryPrncess: two very fiore quotes:
MercuryPrncess: "A friend in need is a pest indeed."
MercuryPrncess: "Suicide is the most sincere form of self-criticism."

A wonderful poem by Tim Burton:

Vincent Malloy is seven years old,
he's always polite and does what he's told.
For a boy his age he's considerate and nice,
but he wants to be just like Vincent Price.

He doesn't mind living with his sister dog and cats,
though he would rather share a home with spiders and bats,
there he could reflect on the horrors he has invented,
and wonder dark hallways alone and tormented.

Vincent is nice when his aunt comes to see him,
but imagines dipping her in wax for his wax museum.
he likes to experiment on his dog Ebocrombi,
in the hops of creating a horrible zombie.

So he and his horrible zombie dog,
could go searching for victims in the London fog.

His thoughts though aren't only of goulish crime,
he likes to paint and read to pass some of the time,
While other kids read books like "Go Jane go",
Vincent's favorite author is, Edgar Allen Poe.

One night while reading a gruesome tale,
he read a passage that made him turn pale,
such horrible news he could not survive,
for his beautiful wife had been buried alive.

He dug out her grave to make sure she was dead,
unaware that her grave was his mother's flower bed.
his mother send Vincent off to his room,
he knew he'd been banished to the tower of doom.

Where he was sentenced to spend the rest of his life,
alone with the portrait of his beautiful wife.

While alone and insane incased in his doom,
Vincent's mother burst suddenly into the room.
She said "If you want to, you can go out and play,
It's sunny outside and beautiful day."

Vincent tried to talk but he just couldn't speak,
the years of isolation had made him quite week.

So he took out some paper and scrawled with a pen;
I'm possessed by this house and can never live it again.

His mother said: "You are not possessed and you are not almost dead, these games that you play are all in your head,
you are not Vincent Price you're Vincent Malloy,
you're not tormented or insane you're just a young boy,
you're seven years old and you are my son,
I want you to get outside and have some real fun."

Her anger now spent she walked out through the hall,
while Vincent back slowly against the wall..

The room started to sway to shiver in crick,
his horrored insanity had reached it's peak.

He saw Ebocrombi his zombie slave,
and heard his wife call form beyond the grave;
She spoke from her coffin and made goulish demands,
will through cracking walls reached skeleton hands.

Every horror in his life that had crept through his dreams,
swept his mad laughter to terrified screams.

To escape the badness he reached for door,
but fell limp and lifeless down, on the floor.

His voice was soft and very slow,
as he quoted the "raven" from Edgar Allen Poe;
"and my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the
floor, shall be lifted, nevermore."
Whooooooooooooppss, when I was suppose to work on last Wednesday, I did go to the wrong location, as I thought --;; Ah well, I get work this Wednesday XD in another studio she told me specifically where this time -_-;;; Oh yeah, she's bugging me to turn in the papers to get paid -_-;; I'll do that someeeeetime -_-;;;


Thankx to Michira for helping me fix the tagboard XD I'm hopeless when it comes to html. The cows in the background only had a brief stay, how said, ah well. Yeah, I'm aware that with some resolutions that image is huge --; I'll change the size...someday, maybe XD And yet, I still have not done any of my labs X______x;;; ohhhh am I going to be one hellll of a busy person tomarrow >.>;; Persuming I will do my work....XD

One a random note, someone I have known for a long time is well on his way to sucess, I am jelous, I know that much. But, I don't know why, but it hurts to see that despite being in a similar state of mind that I am in, he is still doing so well. Why can't I? Probably because I don't try and have yet to have the incentive to. I wonder, what drives him to continue trying to do well and suceeding.
Random quiz, of course XD:

Yesterday I didn't go to sleep until around 5 a.m. XD That's vaguely normal. I had the most vivid dream about making butterfly wings out of cloth and wire Oo;;; I stayed up to watch Adult Swim as usual for lack of anything else better to do. XD Though there was this really interesting and CUTE guy there watching the TV too XD His name was James, or Jimmy Oo;; He said he wasn't sure XDDDDDI don't know how, but we and another groovy person ending up talking for 3 hours oO;; since the beginning of Cowboy Bebop to the end of Superman XD Then a BUNCH of random people came in oO;;;; It seems that the lounge is livelier at 3 a.m. in the morning then during other times *_* Oh, I got bored and rearranged the layout of the couches in the dorm randomly -_-;;; Don't know why, but James was highly amused by my rearranging of the couches XD

Oh, and yesterday I woke up around 4 p.m. -_-;; Actually, was awake around 11 a.m., but didn't get out of bed XD