
I just came back to the UMCP (University of Maryland, College Park where I have a random summer program O_o) from the mall. It was interesting helping someone I know search for a bra for one of the girls he knows O.o;;; And now he wants to frost the tip of his hair *_* In the mean time, since we are both broke kids XD, we got...ah...five-finger-discounts for manga...
I got Angelic Layer. an Animage magazine, and a random manga series called Short Cuts.
I'm a MOSQUITO! -_-;;;;

I am...

what sexual performer are you?
...I must seriously be bored if I took that quiz XD

You dwell excessively on past memories, particularly the bad ones. You blame yourself for your faults, and fear being a bad person. You can be delusional and paranoid, yet hide these things from others and bury your feelings deep, where you can revive them to dwell on them later. You need to stop dwelling on the past, and look to the future.

Your song is: War Inside my Head

Which degree of inner turbulence are you?

This quiz was made by Dionae

What Seven Deadly Sin Are YOU? [?]

You're SLOTH! You're extremely lazy. There's just no other way to put it! Your loner attitude gets in the way of your social life sometimes. You're represented by the color aqua.

I would have thought I was the deadly sin of gluttony actually...food rules *_*

Find your emotion!

You are 30% evil! [?]

You're still on the good side of 50%, but you're gaining on it. You're not as good as you should be, but you're good ALMOST all of the time. There's only an occasional time when evil takes over you, but when it does...

...-_-;;; I must be in a semi-good mood or something to only get 30% evil O_o

Which Kiss are You?

Which Kiss Are You?


Ugh, why the heck does my mother give a damn of my high school grades are crappy now? I already graduated and got into a college O_o Getting into a college still mystifies me since I did so cruddy 12 grade. And in 11th grade my GPA went from 3.7something to 1.85, lol, wonderful range that is eh? It's been a week since I got, or my mother got, my report card and she's still complaining. Well at least one good thing about going to random summer programs is that I don't have to be home.
Wow, publishing the post finally worked *_*
my cowboy bebop theme song is autumn in ganymede

what's your cowboy bebop theme song?
Cowboy Beboy rules *_* Esp. the movie *_*

You are Haneoka Meimi

You are athletic and determined, though not necessarily the best of students. You have a strong sense of justice and are always willing to help those in need. You love to joke around, and have tons of friends. Though you love a good chase, you never like to get caught.

Take the "What Magic Girl are you?" Quiz....I can't believe i took that since I'm a guy XD But Saint Tail is a cute series ^^ And I love the ending theme song *_*

Take the Rurouni Kenshin Quiz by xceres.
fioreail777: so i'm the equivalent of a 16 year old girl XD
y2 chippy: oh, you hottie *_*


Now we're getting somewhere - your actions are
now past pre-teen level, and you're beginning to
display some more mature content in your life

"Which Movie Classification Are You?"
Test created by Jamie - take it here.
XD, only PG-13? O_o

I am absolutely soulless!

Find your soul type
at kelly.moranweb.com.
...now that's me -_-
It's probably not difficult for you to come to terms with because you most likely knew it already, but fie, fie! Why must you be so bitter?

Virtues: What is there to say? You have no virtues because you have no being. You care nothing about anything and not even anything about nothing! Either you're really messed up, or you lied in this silly test. ): You thought you could trick me?! Well, no! I demand you go retake it! Ptah, you rebellious kids and your nonsensical games.

Aspirations: Prankster, and you suck!

Quirks: Foolproof tests, like mine! Witty people who catch little snipes like you! Huh, huh?! Is that what bothers you?!

Factors: No! I won't HUMOR you now!

Future: You don't have one with ME, sonny! That's for sure!

I am the undyingly dead ByrdTri!

Find your whimsy character
at kelly.moranweb.com.
....random quizzes are addictive *_*

I am the imfamous elves (of the shoemaker)!

Find your fairy tale character
at kelly.moranweb.com.

Remy LeBeau
I'm Remy LeBeau
What X-Men Character are You? Gambit rules *_* Though I like Magneto best ^^;

Take the 'What kind of Wing are you?' quiz!
"Brighten up a bit!
And try to forget the past
You live in present and for the future
Left what lies before behind
don't dwell on it"
'What kind of Wing
are you?' by. Xera

Take the 'Which Magic Stone are you' quiz! by. Xera a.k.a Xerampelaine

Which Magic
are you? by. Xera

Which 'fallen one' are you?

Take Which
'fallen one' are you?
Quiz by Xera

Take the 'Which Archangel are you?' Quiz!

Which Archangel are
you? by Xera

take the emo quiz
.created by jessi

What type of Bishounen are you? Find out at artificial-soul.net by Rin.
...I have a distinct feeling I've taken this before, but I don't feel inclined to check....

Well, you're a slacker. Your greatest joy in life is sleeping, and you try to avoid doing work as much as possible. Others are envious of your talent for skating through life doing only half as much real, actual work as everyone else. You're an expert at talking teachers or bosses out of reprimanding you for your apparent lack of effort. On the upside, you won't have to worry about things like repetitive stress disorder or high blood pressure. Your life expectancy is probably pretty high due to this, not that you'll actually accomplish anything, you damn leech.

Be cool! Take the What Do You Want Out Of Life? Quiz

So... what's on TV tonight?
If you were a room in a house, what room would you be?

Aw, publishing is temporarily unavailable XD Anyway, I just woke up and it's around 12 pm O_o Might be because I went to sleep or ti stare at the ceiling around 3 a.m. -__-;;; Sleep? What's that? O_o Eep, I weight 110 O_O.....I need to gain weight -_-;;; 110 and 5'5" isn't right -_-;;; In the meantime i really should work on my public policy paper for the summer college course I'm taking O_o The teacher is so funny ^^
First I'm going to take a couple...or a bunch...of tests from selectsmart.com, Bwwahahahahaha -_-;;;
"Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no one's ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream? ...Green mouse ice cream was the worst. I didn't like that at all." - Delerium, Neil Gaiman's The Sandman


New Age Lullabye

Hush little baby don't you squall
Momma's gonna buy you a crystal ball

And if you still can't see beyond
Momma's gonna buy you a magic wand

And if that wand don't change your fate
Momma's gonna teach you to levitate

And if the astral makes you sick,
Momma's gonna buy you an incense stick

And if that patchouli smells too rank
She'll buy you a sensory deprivation tank

And if that tank don't float your bones
Momma's gonna buy you some precious stones

And if those gems don't ease your heart
Momma's gonna buy you a natal chart

And if your planets go berserk
Momma's gonna buy you some bodywork

And if your aura still needs kneading
Momma's gonna buy you a past life reading

And if your destiny stays hid
Momma's gonna buy you a pyramid

And if your chakras still feel stressed
Momma's gonna take you on a vision quest

And if power animals don't come to charm ya
Sorry, kid, it's just your karma.
Back again *_* This should be interesting, since I'm such a confused....confusing person O_o I see a deer ^^;;; and now i hear fireworks. Ugh, I never liked celebrations since I find them a rather pointless waste of materials and money. *shrugs* But have a groovy July 4th anyway kids. I have a habit of calling people one of four things: kid, kiddo, or squirt...and occationally potato... Woo! fireworks finally ended around 10:00 p.m. here *_*
, That's suppose to be Kamui from X by Clamp *_*, though it probably don't look much like him -_-;;; It's wonderfully hosted by Yuffie ^^ and thankx to Shlee for telling me how to do hyperlinks *_*...*still wondering if I'm doing it correctly...XD
First time for me blogging,^^ I have no clue why, but here goes nothing ^^. I'll probably be here posting at odd hours, since I don't sleep ^^ Have a groovy day kids. 101 deeeeegrreesss here *_* And thankx to Shlee kiddo for telling me how to actually use a blog -_-;;;

What Flavor Icecream Are You?....to start things off, i am NOT female, nor do I have many friends, heck, I don't believe in friends ^^

My favorite song of all time, and my theme song if I ever had to have one is:


I close my eyes when I get too sad
I think thoughts that I know are bad
Close my eyes and I count to ten
Hope it's over when I open them
I want the things that I had before
Like a Star Wars poster on my bedroom door
I wish I could count to ten
Make everything be wonderful again

Hope my mom and I hope my dad
Will figure out why they get so mad
Hear them scream, I hear them fight
They say bad words that make me wanna cry

Close my eyes when I go to bed
And I dream of angels who make me smile
I feel better when I hear them say
Everything will be wonderful someday

Promises mean everything when you're little
And the world's so big
I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
Tell me everything is wonderful now

Na na na na na na na

Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now

I go to school and I run and play
I tell the kids that it's all okay
I like to laugh so my friends won't know
When the bell rings I just don't wanna go home

Go to my room and I close my eyes
I make believe that I have a new life
I don't believe you when you say
Everything will be wonderful someday

Promises mean everything when you're little
And the world is so big
I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
When you tell me everything is wonderful now

I don't wanna hear you tell me everything is wonderful now

I don't wanna hear you say
That I will understand someday
No, no, no, no
I don't wanna hear you say
You both have grown in a different way
No, no, no, no
I don't wanna meet your friends
And I don't wanna start over again
I just wanna my life to be the same
Just like it used to be
Somedays I hate everything
I hate everything
Everyone and everything
Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now

I don't wanna hear you tell me everything is wonderful now