I'm reading scanlations for Hikaru no Go now, though I should be reading for classes Oo;; But it's so much more entertaining reading scanlations! when I can't get manga XD
I bid on a Ebay CD called "Songs From The Big Chair" the songs it has are:
The Working Hour
Everybody Wants To Rule The World....a song I'm sooo addicted to XD
Mothers Talk
I Believe
Head Over Heels
The Working Hour
Everybody Wants To Rule The World....a song I'm sooo addicted to XD
Mothers Talk
I Believe
Head Over Heels
Ohhh...I still have the chocolate from yesterday in my bookbag *_* I smelled the chocolate since it made the sweater I was getting smell like peppermint patties *_* Ugh....I ate almost all of the chocolate --;; And now I have a headache. I occationally get headaches from eating too much of one thing --;;; Ah well *continues eating chocolate* SInce I already have a headache, might as well finish off the chocolate, lol.
What Ragnarok Character Should You Be?
Quiz by Angelhalo
What luck, *whispers loudly* I am a thief ^^

Which GacktJOB member are you? by Askavi!

What Ragnarok Character Should You Be?
Quiz by Angelhalo

Which GacktJOB member are you? by Askavi!
Blah, I missed brunch today *dies* Since they moved the location for today, and I didn't know where it was and I have to be the computer lab monitor here from 12-2 *dies* fooddd Ah well. I'm suppose to be meeting my lab partners today for a science lab, I wonder when I will get around to doing that XD
Today I went to the anime club, it was really groovy *_* We first say Otakudom, a fan parody mostly of FY and Eva about Otakon XD which was really funny XDDDDD I loved it, it was inspired partially by Otaku no Video, which gives you some idea of how crazy it was. After that well saw 1 episodes of each of the following series to get a taste to each: Asagiri no Miko, Chobits, Full Moon o Sagashite, Hikaru no Go, Onegai Teacher, and...ah...what was the other Oo;;....
I got to barrow a book called Beyond World's End by Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edghill. It's the 3rd book in a series I really loved and I wanted to get when I didn't have enough money...but now I have it! XD More reason to procrastinate --;; I got a bag of the mini peppermint patty things *_* Gooooddd. I also had, I'm told, 6 slices of pizza, I didn't bother counting XD But they were in awe of my eating Oo;; Six slices isn't all that much Oo;; Over at the house there were 4 cats, which was awesome. I think I very very slightly allergic to cats since my eyes and skin get a little itchy after awhile when I'm around cats. But these cats were so friendly *_* Though they liked smelling people XD One of them I think fell in love with my shoes Oo;; While another kept making me pet him --;;; But so soft! XD I like cats *_*
I got to barrow a book called Beyond World's End by Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edghill. It's the 3rd book in a series I really loved and I wanted to get when I didn't have enough money...but now I have it! XD More reason to procrastinate --;; I got a bag of the mini peppermint patty things *_* Gooooddd. I also had, I'm told, 6 slices of pizza, I didn't bother counting XD But they were in awe of my eating Oo;; Six slices isn't all that much Oo;; Over at the house there were 4 cats, which was awesome. I think I very very slightly allergic to cats since my eyes and skin get a little itchy after awhile when I'm around cats. But these cats were so friendly *_* Though they liked smelling people XD One of them I think fell in love with my shoes Oo;; While another kept making me pet him --;;; But so soft! XD I like cats *_*
Once again I'm in a freezing computer lab Oo; In the mean time, today I went to the Tomarrow's Child meeting. Basically it's a program where 5-14 kids from broken homes (and have ADD, ADHD, or are biopolar) spend time with college students and just have fun or whatever *_* Don't know why I decided to do it ^^, probably because I like kids as long as they aren't related to me and annoy me *coughhack*myneice*cough* Hm, I wonder if i have any serious homework dued tomarrow, or a test i forgot about....ohh...probably --;; Ah well XD After my classes tomarrow I get to go over to the anime club president's house and watch Chobits wee!!! I've been on anime deprived lately. Even though I've been listening to a whole lot of anime/jrock music XD Recently I was listening to Kenshin music, which is awesome. And now I'm waiting for a Penicillin song to download *_*
XD The evils of direct linking eh? In the mean time, that no direct linking button is cute, so I'm keeping it. *dies* I'm too easily amused, aren't I? XD

Take Lemur-Cat's pointless Kenshin quiz!

Take Lemur-Cat's pointless Kenshin quiz!
Woo! I just came back from STARS (St. Mary's Triangle and Rainbow Society...I think that's what it stands for, lol) which is the equivalant of my high school's GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) It was aweesssommeeeee, lol There were soooo many members as compared to my high school! *_* STARS had at least 35 people show up this time for just the first meeting *_* I loved it ^^
In the mean time, I recently got one of the most amusing porn email's Oo;;:
"If you don't want to have fun with a real woman today
If you don't want to see real girls
If you don't like girls
If you don't like the way wet lips feel on your cheeks
If you're a virgin and don't know how to get laid
Then get the hell out of here!"
Guessing I don't belong there for 4 reasons XD Wet lips sounds all slimey Oo;; (as Mercp. said XD)
In the mean time, I recently got one of the most amusing porn email's Oo;;:
"If you don't want to have fun with a real woman today
If you don't want to see real girls
If you don't like girls
If you don't like the way wet lips feel on your cheeks
If you're a virgin and don't know how to get laid
Then get the hell out of here!"
Guessing I don't belong there for 4 reasons XD Wet lips sounds all slimey Oo;; (as Mercp. said XD)
Today was a fairly good day, I think *shrugs* It was decent anyway. The night before last one of my roommates came back REALLY drunk. His stumbling woke me up, though I was still not really asleep. It was amusing watching him have so much troubling getting on the bunkbed though XD I didn't think he would make it to the top of his bed. And so in the morning he was puking majorly, lol. Hm, aside from classes, I actually did my Music History paper Oo;;; I randomly joined the English club ^_^ So far they are planning a masqurade ball, which sounds groovy. I have no intentions of dancing, though I will help make the masks XD Later today is another club I'm thinking about joining ^_^ And conviently it's in the library and I'm already here XD So I get to wait until this starts around 8:30 upstairs. Tomarrow I get to meet my lab group at the library, hope I remember Oo;; Oh yeah, I'm meeting the president of the anime club and other people, I think, to bum over at her house and watch anime XD

What Inuyasha Character are you? seem to get Sesshoumaru quite often Oo;; Groovy since he's my favorite character, but still strange XD

What Inuyasha Character are you? seem to get Sesshoumaru quite often Oo;; Groovy since he's my favorite character, but still strange XD
test by Leanne
which CCS character are you?
Omae wa dochira juunishi no MEMBAA desu ka?
Woo! one of my favorite characters XD
Today I had my Biology lab, which I'm not too sure I understood --;; Ah well XD There were hissing cockroaches in the room, so it was groovy *_* And now I'm currently sorta doing work in the cold computer lab Oo;; It's an essay for Music History about why music's important to rules *_*
The three most important things to me are food, music, and books. I can live without anime actually, like I am now --;;; Ah...except I'm listening to the 5th opening theme song of Detective Conan by TWO-MIX on the Still, I'm sure I would perfer living without anime then without music or books *_*
The library here has some groovyyy books, anyone ever randomly walk in sections of a library without knowing what the section's about and then picking up a random book and starting to read it? *_* If not, you should try it sometime ^_^ Some of the grooviest books are the random ones I fine by walking aimlessly in the library --;;; Ah...back to the essay on music! not books XD
I'm still amazed that some people say they will mail me a random letter Oo;; Never under-estimate the power of boredom eh? XD After, my boredom inspired me to blog my college mailing address Oo;;;
Ah....blogger is being soooo annoying, it keeps giving me the error 503 message, so the post only works when I make sure it's saved and then I have to refresh my blog a couple times to see if it worked --;;;
The three most important things to me are food, music, and books. I can live without anime actually, like I am now --;;; Ah...except I'm listening to the 5th opening theme song of Detective Conan by TWO-MIX on the Still, I'm sure I would perfer living without anime then without music or books *_*
The library here has some groovyyy books, anyone ever randomly walk in sections of a library without knowing what the section's about and then picking up a random book and starting to read it? *_* If not, you should try it sometime ^_^ Some of the grooviest books are the random ones I fine by walking aimlessly in the library --;;; Ah...back to the essay on music! not books XD
I'm still amazed that some people say they will mail me a random letter Oo;; Never under-estimate the power of boredom eh? XD After, my boredom inspired me to blog my college mailing address Oo;;;
Ah....blogger is being soooo annoying, it keeps giving me the error 503 message, so the post only works when I make sure it's saved and then I have to refresh my blog a couple times to see if it worked --;;;
A quiz randomly taken from Cherrii's blog *_*:
And one from Harukababe's XD:
My weblog owns 37.5 % of me.
Does your weblog own you?

And one from Harukababe's XD:
Does your weblog own you? roommates...
my people who my roommates are talking 1 a.m.!
so I'm in the computer lab in the basement now -_-;;;...lame. There are a bunch of students who have no idea what they are doing from my Biology Lab, and I already did my work (amazingly and understood it) but I'm not helping. I'm just pissed at people for taking over what is partially my room so that I can't quite that i sleep anyway. But it's partially my room and I should be able to sleep in it, righhhttt? Oo;;; I should be use to it, but i'm not, lol OMG!!!! All of the people doing the lab here are asking me sooo mannnyyy questions since I'm done! Oo;;; *dies* I answered and helped them to make them ago awaaayyyyy -_-;;; hm...I wonder if people left my room yet.... I'll give it another 10 minutes or so, then I'm going to sleep in my room, people or no people -_-
my people who my roommates are talking 1 a.m.!
so I'm in the computer lab in the basement now -_-;;;...lame. There are a bunch of students who have no idea what they are doing from my Biology Lab, and I already did my work (amazingly and understood it) but I'm not helping. I'm just pissed at people for taking over what is partially my room so that I can't quite that i sleep anyway. But it's partially my room and I should be able to sleep in it, righhhttt? Oo;;; I should be use to it, but i'm not, lol OMG!!!! All of the people doing the lab here are asking me sooo mannnyyy questions since I'm done! Oo;;; *dies* I answered and helped them to make them ago awaaayyyyy -_-;;; hm...I wonder if people left my room yet.... I'll give it another 10 minutes or so, then I'm going to sleep in my room, people or no people -_-
Heya random bored people Oo;; I just got amazingly bored and want to see if someone is going to randomly mail me a letter or something Oo;;;; So here's my mailing address at college XD::::
D. D.
Campus Center #1330
16800 Point Lookout Road
St. Mary's City, MD 20686-3000
am I looking for a stalker? probably....not Oo;;;; And I actually finished my homework, sorta. Oo;;
..that's highly amusing since the mash game said I would be a designer when i grow up Oo;;
D. D.
Campus Center #1330
16800 Point Lookout Road
St. Mary's City, MD 20686-3000
am I looking for a stalker? probably....not Oo;;;; And I actually finished my homework, sorta. Oo;;
..that's highly amusing since the mash game said I would be a designer when i grow up Oo;;

You are CENSORED - an Inner Circle of one. We can't possibly tell you who you are. No doubt, you will assume it is you, as everything in the fandom is about you, and you will have yourself a monumental sulk. Why must everyone be against you? Can't they see you are the only sane person in the fandom? Huh?
Oh...scary Oo;;; there's a metallic voice talking to my ear in the headphones for a radio station Oo;; Anyway, I should be working on Microsoft Excel for my Biology lab tomarrow Oo;;; But I'm so easily usual XD Once again I'm in the groovy..but freeezzinngggg computer lab Oo;;; Ah well XD I get to be lab monitor here from 12-2 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays to make sure people don't walk off with the stuff in here XD The anime club here might be watching Chobits since I said I wanted to see more of it *_* And I hear there are only 24 episodes...or 26? *shrugs*

You're remarkably astute and always know what's going
on. Optimism in you is unheard of. Smile! Once won't kill you!
You're remarkably astute and always know what's going
on. Optimism in you is unheard of. Smile! Once won't kill you!
Ohhh, but I think optimism will kill me if i try it XD

Food is good but killing and suffering is
better. I'm an outright psychopath with
no excuse. Damn, I'm sexy though.
*dies* I DEFINITELY agree that food is good but killing's better XDDDDD
"You're way too Quiet!! Cheer up.. Life wasn't so bad isn't it? but hey, do you know that when you really love someone, you'll do anything for that person, yeah.. anything! they'll be lucky to have you as their girlfriend/boyfriend!! ^__^V" Oo;;; ha

You're remarkably astute and always know what's going
on. Optimism in you is unheard of. Smile! Once won't kill you!
on. Optimism in you is unheard of. Smile! Once won't kill you!

Food is good but killing and suffering is
better. I'm an outright psychopath with
no excuse. Damn, I'm sexy though.

"You're way too Quiet!! Cheer up.. Life wasn't so bad isn't it? but hey, do you know that when you really love someone, you'll do anything for that person, yeah.. anything! they'll be lucky to have you as their girlfriend/boyfriend!! ^__^V" Oo;;; ha
And then, I remember doing the Mash game which I amazingly found again, and here are my results XDDD:
You live in a House. (Oooo, nice for me XD)
You're married to Nakago. (wooo! XDDDD, wish it were Fiore though XD)
You drive a mercedes. (groovy, I wanted a jeep ^^;;;)
Your car is the color green. (...a green mercedes...ew Oo;;;;)
You live in the state Idaho. (Anyone know in what states it's legal to have same-sex marriages in ?_?)
Your honeymoon is England.
Your occupation is a designer.
You have this many kids: 1 (0 male; 1 female). (which would be physically impossible unless the kid was adopted XD)

Still not me, not that I think anyway Oo;;;

Yey! You are Full Moon wo Sagshite!

You are Dark Stranger Yami!
One of the other strangers later to be discovered, Yami is the leader
of the Nekozoku. She created the Li Night sword and is supposedly
girlfriend number 160 of Widoshikku. As with the latter strangers,
not much is known about Yami. However, she does wield a
nifty looking scythe. ^^

You're Minoru!
You are extemely intelligent, introspective, and not very talkative.
You are haunted by your sister's death, and for awhile sought to replace her.
All too soon, you discover that people can not be replaced, no matter how much they look, sound, or act like the person you love.
Your replacement for your sister is a bittersweet joy, one that haunts you, and fills you with sadness, yet you would not lose such a precious reminder for anything.
In your spare time you like surfing the internet, and talking to other smart people like yourself online.
Heh, my favorite Chobits character *_*

Which Saiyuki boy are you?
He's groovy, though I prefer Sanzo *_*
You live in a House. (Oooo, nice for me XD)
You're married to Nakago. (wooo! XDDDD, wish it were Fiore though XD)
You drive a mercedes. (groovy, I wanted a jeep ^^;;;)
Your car is the color green. (...a green mercedes...ew Oo;;;;)
You live in the state Idaho. (Anyone know in what states it's legal to have same-sex marriages in ?_?)
Your honeymoon is England.
Your occupation is a designer.
You have this many kids: 1 (0 male; 1 female). (which would be physically impossible unless the kid was adopted XD)

Yey! You are Full Moon wo Sagshite!

You are Dark Stranger Yami!
One of the other strangers later to be discovered, Yami is the leader
of the Nekozoku. She created the Li Night sword and is supposedly
girlfriend number 160 of Widoshikku. As with the latter strangers,
not much is known about Yami. However, she does wield a
nifty looking scythe. ^^

You're Minoru!
You are extemely intelligent, introspective, and not very talkative.
You are haunted by your sister's death, and for awhile sought to replace her.
All too soon, you discover that people can not be replaced, no matter how much they look, sound, or act like the person you love.
Your replacement for your sister is a bittersweet joy, one that haunts you, and fills you with sadness, yet you would not lose such a precious reminder for anything.
In your spare time you like surfing the internet, and talking to other smart people like yourself online.

Which Saiyuki boy are you?
Hm...2 a.m....XD, ah well. Some random people tried talking to me as I was vaguely watching Outlaw Star. They gave up on trying to talk to me after my responses became just uh huh's and such XD
...sibilings....isn't it spelled siblings?...can't...spell...-_- I am nothing like Miki Oo;; nice....CARING?...*dies*

Um.....Oo;;;...why does it seem that is what I'm LEAST like XD

...sibilings....isn't it spelled siblings?...can't...spell...-_- I am nothing like Miki Oo;; nice....CARING?...*dies*

You are an extremely talented person and you are also brilliant. You are mature, charming, straight-forward and you worry about your friends when they're in trouble. You give great advice and you're probably one of the best friends someone can ever have. Take the quiz at Dare to Dream |