
A random sample of a partical conversation with Cessy on MSN using "be" in all the phrases, though it was getting close to when she was leaving, so not that many be sentences, oh well XD:
(I'm amphetamine and she's Omi-chan)

Omi-chan! says:
Oh be well! XD
amphetamine says:
it all be groovy
amphetamine says:
and it be cold in here -_-;;
amphetamine says:
*poke* why dont you be posting in your say that again? topic? XD
Omi-chan! says:
I be posting soon. Yeah. Veeery soon XD
amphetamine says:
groovy be that
amphetamine says:
how soon will that be?
amphetamine says:
wow, a real sentence with be
amphetamine says:
Omi-chan! says:
It will be this millenium. I can be telling you that! XD
Omi-chan! says:
Be whoa XD
amphetamine says:
that be funky -___-
Omi-chan! says:
Nah. I'll probably be posting tomorrow or something. I must talk abotu Chobits XD
amphetamine says:
wooo!!!! Chobits be groovy
Omi-chan! says:
Mwuah. I'm gonna be going now. I must watch tv *_*
amphetamine says:
have a be groovy day
Omi-chan! says:
Yes! And it be verycute too! XD
Omi-chan! says:
Thankee to be you! XD
Omi-chan! says:
Soo... I be going now! Bye be bye! XD
I got to watch the last four episodes of X t.v., finally. Pretty sad that I got to see up to episode 10 of Chobits before I finally got to see all of X t.v. *_* But it was worth the wait for me ^_____^ *spoilers ahead for X t.v. and some for the X movie* One of the things which annoyed me was when Aoki said if things go well he would remarry his wife. And at the end he did. Now in real-life I highly doubt a person can devoice someone and then remarry someone at will. Though it was sweet that he did it because he didn't want his wife and daughter to miss him, but it still annoyed me. After seeing the whole series, I want to get the two X cd's which I don't have even more *_*, I love the theme song ^^ As I saw more of the series, I liked Satsuki more and more, as freaky as that sounds. I loved the part when Yuto gave Satsuki his watch *_*, that was really sweet ^^ It was rather ironic that Satsuki didn't like humans because they wanted to control her and she wanted to be free. But her life was ended because The Beast wanted to control her and have her all to itself. Hmnm, another thing that got me majorly annoyed was that fact that when Arashi diffected to the Dragon's of Earth side it was actually what caused Sorata's death, actually, he would have definitely died anyway. But her switching sides and then trying to kill Kamui was a foolish idea since that would not have made Sorata happy even if he lived. Though I can see she only did it because he thought of protecting Sorata *shrugs* I'm still vaguely wondering why the Clamp Campus Detectives weren't used, but oh well -_- Nataku sacrificing himself for Fuma may seem rather pointless and done only to make Fuma look 'pretty' again -__- But there is the thought that Fuma wouldn't be about to fight in his condition and that Nataku truely wanted to be with his 'father' and in a way, since his flesh and blood became part of Fuma, he will always be with his father ^^ You don't know how amazingly wonderful it was for me to see that not everyone died like in that horrible X movie -_- grrrr...ah well. Kanoe was certainly interesting in the series. I wonder whatever happened to her? DId I miss some part about her? Because after Hinoto killed herself I don't remember seeing Kanoe, but I have a relatively horrible memory anyway -_-;;; It was interesting how Kanoe was so upset and affected by Hinoto's death. She said that she hated her sister because her sister always got the attention. But it seems that partially she wanted her sister to stay dreaming because she wanted to continue tormenting her sister and be around her. Or maybe she just said those horrible things to Hinoto but wanted Hinoto to stay Dreaming but so that Hinoto won't have to listen to the politicians and be able to think on her own. Like in the movie how Kanoe's real objective was so that her sister would be free from the control of the politicians. Speaking of Hinoto, it was interesting to see how she had a dark side to her. Like she was paralleling Fuma. While Hinoto could control her fate and did so by killing herself and still hoping, Fuma wasn't able to choose his own fate. Or actually, now that I think about it, Hinoto might have been parallel to Kamui who chose his fate. @_@ My words are confusing me, so I shall stop typing now. -_-;;;;;*End X t.v. and movie Spoilers* And I'm going to use that very same rant in the Clamp topic since I don't feel linclined to type a seperate one for that topic at *grep. On a side note, whenever I see the computer letter "X" on the screen with one line thicker then other, I think of the beginning theme song -_-;;;
*yawn* I wonder what I'm going to do today. At some point I plan to go to the lobby in the boys' dorm I'm staying at and watch the last couple of episodes of X t.v. *_* Other then that recent, I've thought about getting some random j-rock CD's online, I'm not sure, but *shrugs* Monday I need to get some money orders for the stuff I won on Ebay *_* And buy some 37 cent stamps...ah....silly stamp cost increase. But it makes sense since everyone's using email instead of snail mail -_-; I'm just wondering if the cost will ever go up to $1.00 O_o;;;;

Which Hellsing character are you?
On a random note, anime CD's ^^ can be found there *_*, that's more of a note to me then to anyone else, lol. The CD's aren't really cheap, but they have some that I haven't seen in other places ^^...okay....it's 5:12 a.m. and the sky's getting light, I suppose I should go and get some sort of sleep or else I'm soooo not going to make it to lunch XD


Ah.....*Grep sailormoon.org is closing soon due to that fact that Scot's(one of the webmaster's) job was eliminated. It seems kinda strange and unreal that it will go away. And also ironic that while other crescent sites, such as Shoujotoys, The Cherry Tree, and Bubina's...I don't remember what's it's called...-_-;;;are getting their start, the first site to use crescent is at it's end...Ah well, as whoever said..."all good things must come to an end" and *Grep was truely one of those 'good things' though I would never admit to anyone who asked what's so special about *Grep ^^ I think after this, I will start saving my favorite post from grep in this blog. Be amazed, it's been several posts since I'm taken any quizzes, the quiz craze must be over...O_o...now I have an urge to take some quizzes, oh well.

My bumper sticker reads:

Take the quiz.

I just came back from Pandora's Cube ^^ I FINALLY got that last episodes of X t.v. WOOoooooo!!!, that took long enough. I was going to get Kaikan Phase, or at least that's how I think it's spelled...but they didn't have the first four episodes -_-;;; True, Pandora's Cube might be evil from selling fansubbed tapes which should be free, but it's my type of evil since I wouldn't be about to get fansubbed episodes of anything any other way. And I'm too lazy to buy it offline, I don't know what places I can trust ^^;;
Another day, woo, it's HOTTTT!!! I'm ran through the sprinkler because it's so hot -_-;;;; In the mean time, i won a Wish artbook on Ebay, woooo!! *_* Clamp rules, I hope Tokyopop releases Wish soooonnnn *_*, I wonder if it's already released and I missed it XD I'm going to Pandora's Cube soon *_*
I found some super cute villains to adopt here *_*


I finished the public policy papar at around 5 a.m....ZZzzzzz, ah well, I don't sleep much usually anyway, I should be use to it. On the way walking back to the dorm I stay at a fox ran by me O_o;;;; What is the college I'm at? A animal reserve or something O_o, but it's groovy seeing random animals like ribbits and TONS of squirrels. My public policy class is finally over, wooo! Now I have to help high school freashmen and other high schoolers in the program, blah. Oh well, at least I dno't have any work to be graded anymore, wooooo! Bet you can't guess what I'm going to do to past time now....XD

You're Sumeragi Subaru!
Angst, betrayal, and perhaps large floating sakura petals seem to follow you everywhere. And yet, through all the psychological anguish that characterizes your life, you still manage to be so much prettier than everyone else. Don't trust tall, dark and handsome men in sunglasses, no matter how sexy they may be.

Take the "What kind of cone are you?" Test

created by sami

Take the "How immature are you?" Test

created by sami

Take the "What Tool song are you?" Test

created by sami

[you are a well dressed doggie]
What Really Weird Thingy Are You? Find out @ blackhole

I'm Gabrielle!

Which Anne Rice Vampire are you? by Tera

I am Sephiroth; I was the strongest soldier in the Shinra army. I was a pretty good guy, and even destroyed the occasional monster. Eventually, I found out I was made in a lab, and went crazy. I then summoned a huge meteor to crush the planet!
Which RPG villain are you?

Which Angel would you be?

You Are A Wraith
Take the World of Darkness Quiz
by David J Rust

Which Sith Lord are you? go to:the quiz!

Which Jedi Knight are you? go to:the

You're anakin. Congratulations.
You are the one who is destined to
bring balance to the force, Whatever the hell that means. Until
that time comes, however, you're happy
just being a really annoying and angsty teenager. Yeah, you might
end up being all kinds of awesome
once you're Darth Vader, but just cool it for now- you're likely
to make many more enemies being the
shithole Hayden Christiansen portrays you as.

....kinda fitting that I got him too XD

What Egyptian Deity are you? go to:the quiz!

Which Middle Earth race are you? go to:the quiz!


I was on a Mitsubishi computer O_o;;; I didn't know they made computers O_O Anyway, it was one of the cruddiest computers I've ever been on -_- Guess what I'm going to resume doing? XD

Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You?

You are Fuujin! You've dealt with a lot of problems, and may
be more introverted now than you once were. The wounds have
healed but scars are still there. You've got a bit of a temper,
which might make it hard for you to form lasting friendships.

Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!

click here to take some more great tests at internet junk
you are paper clips

have you ever really looked
at a paper clip?
lot's of twists and turns, just like you.

at least until you untwist it
and try throwing it up to the ceiling

click here to take some more great tests at internet junk
Mama's Boy! You are Quiche Florentine

Woah there- mommy need to read this text to you? Well, you are truly in good standing with her and the rest of your family, and you like your microwave meals to give you that thought of home you thirst for. Somewhat dependent yet a caring individual, it seems you don't need assistance anymore but you enjoy help and security anyways

click here to take some more great tests at internet junk
No gain, no pain! You are the Brown M&M

You are beyond cautious and it seems like 'fun' is a foreign concept to you- live it up every now and then and you'll see just how much you are missing!

Second finger eh? The index/main finger, making you the reliable one, the one whom everyone can depend on. Pretty down to earth though sometimes your reliability gets too much for others to bear and they think it's strange how much you plan.

Which finger are you?
Take the quiz to find out.

click to take it!

People in your company think you are unreal, they are hallucinating. You are creativly inspiring aswell as you make people delirious and delusional. You make time appear distorted, colours appear brighter, sounds more sharper and things seem to change shape. Sometimes people are frightened by you and get scared of everything. You mess people up, one minute they could be laughing the next they are sobbing. Sometimes you disress people so much they try to commit suicide. When people have spent alot of time with you, they get a 'flashback', they could be on a train comming home from work and suddenly start mocking the bloke next to them who appears to have grown a long hairy snout like a rat.

Find Out If You Were A Drug, What You Would Be!

quiz by ravenritings

What kind of soda are you?? Find out @ blackhole


Take the 'Which Nintendo Character are you most like?' quiz by !

 Congratulations! You're one sexy psycho kami!

You are Papa D

You're an evil, kinky thing who's a little non-sane. Humanity bothers you and you'd be happy to bring about utter demise to those standing in your way. Despite your manic glance you can be the sweetest wicked thing when you want to.

What obscure band are you?

What Inuyasha Character are you?

What Obscure Animal are you?

Super Teen Extrodinaire

Take the Cartoon Hero Quiz?.
..yikes, it's been forever since I've seen Freakazoid XD

What Was Your PastLife?

What Spooky Being are You?

You're the cat of Tiny's World!

What Tiny's World character are you?.

What Kimiki Character are you?

Another day another day, I still have to work on my public policy paper -_-;; but of course I'm going to take a couple quizzes to past the time first ^_____^

Which random phallic object are you?
Quiz by Andrea.

You are Beaker!
You are very quiet, and your vocabulary mostly consists of a series of beeps. You don't assert yourself; because of this, you have a tendency to get hurt.

You're that evil little piece of jewelry
that corrupts almost

everything it touches and recites poetry in the

Black Tongue on its days off. Cool.

Advice: You'd have been better off with

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

Eeyore is my favorite Winnie-the-Pooh character XD


You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.

Find out your color at Stvlive.com!

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

discover what candy you are @ stvlive.com

a href="http://bluesummers.net/assquiz.html" target="_blank">

Make an Ass of Yourself.
quiz by Sol

Which cartoon character are you?? Find out @ blackhole

You're Duo Maxwell!

What Gundam Wing Character Are you?

This was made by Dragon Embers

....and now I am Heero -_-;;; My results always clash, oh well.

what adjective are you?

quiz by maikamariel

Morning, day, or night?
quiz by maikamariel

find your element
at mutedfaith.com.

You're Dilandou Albatou!

Find out Which Escaflowne character you are.

I'm just watching a bad dream I'd never wake up from.

Find out what anime bad boy you are.

The background character in Freakazoid.

Find out what secondary animated character you are.

Take the Purrsonality Quiz!


Find out what bishonen you are.

Ooooo Shiney!

What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?

Find out if you are gay, bi, or str8.
...I really need I quiz to figure that out XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

You are a gay man.
Take this quiz or visit survey.JUNKIE for more surveys!
Of course ^^

A nerd that gets the ladies.


What fuzzy creature are you?

...CUUTEEEE!!! -_-;;;


Find out what anime character cliche you are.

Which HP Kid Are You?

Take the Digi Charat Character Quiz!

created by user="chibieudial">
ojamajo.com">pretty ojamajo

Take the High Yield Killing Method Test Now!!....oh wonderful -_-;;;

Take the Disney Villain Test Now!!