
.....hm...i think i've gotten every error message possible while logging in on grep --;;;
"Method Not Allowed--the requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /index.html"
didn't know that was possible for an error message --;;;;....O_o;;;;
Today was a rather busy day *_* Today I got around to getting a money order for a CD I won on ebay ^^, when to Steve's and when to get a mixed CD from an aquaintance's house, and then went over to the mall ^^ At the mall we went to a used book store/comic shop where I got a load of manga ^^ There I got: Paradiss Kiss 2, Wish 1, Ranma 1/2 20, Seraphic Feather 2, Dragon Knights 3, and CCS' Master of the Clow, which really does sound kinky XDDDD
Then we went another comic store where I got Love Hina 4, Dragon Knights 2 (yeah, I know I typed I got the 3rd one before XD), Slayers 1, and...ah...I already forgot what the other was -_-;;;;;;;; *goes to check* Oh yeah! and X 8 whee.....somewhere along the line I also had to pick up the manga and anime I let Steve borrow O_o;;; so I had wayyyyy too much anime/manga material in my bookbag XD I also randomly got a Harley Quinn comic and a random series called Eternal Mirage, which is a manhwa series (Korea comic/manga...you get the point, like what Island or Ragnarok is ^^)
After sending so much time on manga XD we got hungry and Steve wanted to see his crush -_-;;; She worked at a bagel shop ^^ So we dropped by the begal shop, but it was closed -_-;; So he couldn't buy me a bagel like he said he would XD So he decided to buy me lunch instead *_*...then he said I have to pay him back -_-;;;; of course XD Anyway, we got to a McDonald's because it was the closest food place ^^ He ordered for us since I just wanted to sit down. I wanted alot of food --;;; but only a small vanilla milk shake XD He came back with the food...and a SUPER SIZED milk shake O_o;;; He was totally cracking up about it though O_o;;;Turned out he did order a small milk shake, but one of the girls at the counter probably thought he was cute or something and threw away the receipt and had the drink super sized! XDDD Steve and I were cracking up about it of course. And while we were eating he and the girl at the counter kept looking at each other --;;; He though she was cute, I guess she was, but I wouldn't be able to really tell XDDDDD But he never asked for her number or vice versa ^^
Whheeeee...we had to run for the bus @_@....and I was vague sick on the milk shake since I drank so much of it XDDDDDD And now I'm back home ^^ *yawn* It's too early to be tired --;;;
I did get around to reading Wish though, which was really sweet ^^, though it annoyed me that the angels had to have genders...female genders XD


So I'm entertaining myself by changing my blogskin right now...a bunch of times ^^;; I'm easily entertained ^_~
Since I've been thinking of random nicknames I've aquired from people, I might as well list them XD:
1.) Skittles -- I have eccentric clothing tastes XD
2.) Fiore -- Named after my obsession ^^;;;
3.) Slim -- So I'm a stick figure -_-;;;
4.) Bob -- After I wouldn't tell Reika my real name ^^;
5.) Boob -- After Reika spelled Bob wrong -_-;;;;;;;;
6.) Mommy Death -- -_-;;;;;; The death part came from one of my sailormoon.org usernames, as for the mommy part -_-;;; I think it came from because I kept shooing the person to go to sleep XD I do that to alot of people -_-;;;
7.) Patata -- Evy's nickname for me -_-;;; Though she had told some other people to call me that -_-;;;;; I called everyone kid/kiddo/or potato, and I think patata came from that and I commented that it sounded like a potato that stepped on a tomato ^^;;;;

heyyy....7 nicknames that I really remember XD I've had a smattering of others, but those are the ones I remember currently...and as mercprncess just added now, calamari can be a fifth XD Since I called people squid sometimes ^^;;;; and she calls me calamari -_-;;;;
On a random note, I totally forgot until now about a site which someone told me about on the sailing course I went on XDDDD It's Furnitureporn.com *dies laughing* There are no people, just furniture in case your kinky mind wandered somewhere O_o;;; Have a groovy day kids, I'm running off to watch cartoons! XD


AH damnn....I was almost done reading the translations for Mars, in one day -_-;;;;; but when I clicked the button for the LAST graphic novel translation I got a message saying..."The web site you are trying to access has exceeded its allocated data transfer." -_-;;;; ah well...-_-;;; Have a groovy night...or day kids, I'm off to bed. Wow, and it's before 2 a.m. XD
Erp...change of plans, since Steve's going to meet one of his ah.....girlfriends tomarrow, we will be hanging out on Saturday instead. Of course he might be meeting someone there too....and as he says: "how about this... if she's working there.. u stand outside.. if we dont' see her, i'll buy u a bagel"......sweet in his kind of way -_-;;;;;
Woo! Random Sailor Moon letter game at grep XD Groovyyyyyyy, thankx to ILoveTom, currently Juju..(ah....-_-;;;name...ah....I have a great memory eh?) for making the groovy topic ^^ On a random note, I'm going to a comic store tomarrow with Steve and with any luck they will have the 3rd graphic novel of MARS *_* I'm currently reading translations of the manga here A site I got from ChibiSakuya *_*
So I figured out that I do get sunburned -_-;; The skin on my shoulders decided to start peeling yesterday. I found it rather entertaining since it didn't make my skin discolored or anything funky like that XD It just started peeling like glue off me -_-;;; On a side note, I love Almond Roca buttercrunch *_* A great candy *_*_*_*_*_* I haven't had any of it in a longgg time ^^


404 - File Not Found
The file /whitecat/deatharc/ could not be located on the server.
Possible reasons include:

The file may have been removed and no one told you
The file may never have really lived here
You followed a bogus hyperlink
Aliens have abducted the file
You made a typo

..haha ha...-_-;;;

On a side note, I did get my sister a present before the end of the day, *cheers*, despite getting out of bed after 4 p.m. -_-;; Naturally I got her anime related stuff since she loves anime too *_* And currently my mother says I still smell like salt water from the the sailing course I went to -_-;;
OMG OMG OMG! *mildly freaks out* My sister's birthday is today!! Well..at least I still have the rest of today to get her something. Sadly I only remembered by looking at the birthday list on grep O_o;;;; At least this is one time being on at 2:30 a.m. actually helped me -_-;;
Hm...I shouldn't be so highly entertained by scratching my bug bites until they bleed. When it comes to bug bites, I don't use anti-itch stuff or calamine lotion, I do the natural thing and scratch then until they bleed -_-;;;


Click on the picture to see more about the sailing Outward Bound course I took last week ^^ After coming back from the sailing course, I realized there are some words or whatever which I aquired from it. Currently I'm overusing "aquired" XD and "I'll live" I wonder how long those words will stick with me. There were quite a few....quirky people who were interesting to be around. And the course actually reminded me of some random quote someone told me XD:
I hate bugs
they drive me crazy
I was crazy once
they put me in a room with no corners
I died there
they buried me
the worms ate me
I hate bugs
ER.......Hm, so I've been told that I'm going to be majoring in English and Biology. I suppose I don't really care. Though I would have perfered majoring in one and minoring in the other. I learned to pretty much hate Biology from my AP Biology class in high school, but maybe I won't hate it as much in college *shrugs* Guess I'll see how things work out eh?


Ah, there are really some people out there looking to argue aren't their? At sailormoon.org the Central Control topic just got wiped clean because people who didn't like how the webmaster responded to rude commended continued to be rude. I'm not all that suprised to see the topic wiped clean, though I wonder if it will come back. So for now I'll save one of the poems which I got from one of my English classes which I posted ^^:


It can buy a House
But not a Home

It can buy a Bed
But not Sleep

It can buy a Clock
But not Time

It can buy you a Book
But not Knowledge

It can buy you a Position
But not Respect

It can buy you Medicine
But not Health

It can buy you Blood
But not Life

It can buy you Sex
But not Love

So you see money isn't everything.
And it often causes pain and suffering.
I tell you all this because I am your Friend,
and as your Friend I want to take away
your pain and suffering...

So send me all your money and I will suffer for you.
A truer Friend than me you will never find.

...and as cruel and unusual as it sounds, I feel better then I did before because of that dispute because it was highly entertaining to me.
I'm too tired and I feel too out of place to post something right now. As for why I've been gone for 2 weeks, I've been at a sailing course, which was groovy. But I wish I wasn't back home now. I never like coming home after one of my summer programs or whenever I'm away. I wonder how I would feel after coming home from college. Interesting that for the high school I use to go to school would start on the 28th of this month. College orientation for me starts the 30th I believe. Much too soon it seems.