
I won the Sailor Moon R movie doujinshi ^_^ at eBay *_*, so i paid for that by international postal money order...such a lon title ^^; I also went over to Steve's house to pick up the Wish artbook (which I love *_*, I can't wait to get it from Tokyopop when it comes out!) along with the Shoryden CD since I had them mailed to his house since I haven't been home. Bye bye kids.


I'm finally heading home from the summer program I'm in. Tbe students kept trying to hug me the last day yesterday so I kept running around -_- Currently I'm busy uploading cosplayer images from Otakon ^_^ at the geocities site I forgot I had XD I finally got around to getting the most recent Incubus CD burned for me *_*

I'm Zephel! Which Angelique Guardian are YOU?

Take the quiz at Angelique Corner.


*_* I don't much care for Mac's, but iMac's and eMac's are so groovy looking *_* ^^;;; I might go to Pandora's Cube today, *shrugs* I get to go home tomarrow, blah, oh well, I rather not be home or at the program.


OMG OMG OMMGGG!!!!! There's a GORGOUS cell of Fiore on auction on Ebay...but....aaaaiee....I spent all my money at Otakon....ah....ahhhh........ah...well -_- *runs around* On a side note, I got the Shoryden CD and the Wish artbook *_*...delivered to me anyway. I won't see them until Friday -_-;;;; ---runs around still staring at the Fiore cell *_*_*__*---
Yesterday I did have a relatively amusing conversation mostly centered around food. How sad is that? -_-;;;

YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: It's give and take...
fioreail777: -_-
fioreail777: can't i just take? XD
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: LOL That could be a great quote if we publicize it.
fioreail777: --;;;
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: It would! I'll have to remember it.
fioreail777: -_- i'm sure others have said it XD
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Yes, but it's more fun with you! XD
fioreail777: O_o;;; why?
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Dunno! It just has... pizzazz!
fioreail777: pizza?
fioreail777: i want pizza *_*
fioreail777: XDDDDDD
fioreail777: food.....*_*...I would sell my soul for it...wait...i did....
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: You can't sell your soul tw! ice
fioreail777: *decides to sell the soles of my shoes *_*
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: That'll work
fioreail777: wooo!
fioreail777: groovie *_*
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Slogan: "Buy my sole!"
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: That sounds weird...
fioreail777: _-_...*looks at the computer upside down *_*
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: _-_ Never done that before...
fioreail777: XD
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: XD It's always fun to try something new!
fioreail777: ^^;;; like mailing food to a person.....gimme *_*
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Yeah, but food gets rotten over the mail
fioreail777: depends, could be dry *_*
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: ... what's the fun in that? Dry spaghetti?
fioreail777: or have it deliveres, there's a place in chicago that mails pizza anywhere in the USA XDD
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Ahhh are you serious?
fioreail777: YES! *goes to find the site*
fioreail777: O_O;;;;;.....
fioreail777: carsons sends ribs and BBQ chicken...an! d eli's sends cheesecake
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: How long do they expect to get it?
fioreail777: the place that sends pizza is lou malnati
fioreail777: *asks the person wno knows again XD*
fioreail777: ah...i have her font -_-
fioreail777: *who
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Oooh, your sources...
fioreail777: XDD
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: I wish I had sources!
fioreail777: XD
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Well, you're my source then!
fioreail777: the pizza site that mails in the USA: Lou Malnati's
fioreail777: source for what?
fioreail777: i feel like an informent XD
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Feel special!
fioreail777: -_-
fioreail777: pizza pizza XD
fioreail777: ^^;
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: ... I'm in the mood for pizza now...
fioreail777: XD make some....for me....
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: ... I can't make pizza.
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: You should order it from that one place...
! fioreail777: -_-;;...i don't want to wait XD
fioreail777: ...and...broke.....;_;
fioreail777: feed me *_*
fioreail777: COD?
fioreail777: i never knew what that was XD
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Yeah... like, cash on delivery. You say you'll pay when the pizza gets there, then you stuff the deliver person in the closet and eat.
fioreail777: -________-;;;
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Try it... who cares if it's illegal... >.>
fioreail777: -_- legal? what's that? is it edible? *_*
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: If only words were edible... what would the word "blue" taste like?
fioreail777: O_O...blueberries!
fioreail777: *_*_*_*_*
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Mmmm... what about... "extraordinary"
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: What would that taste like?
fioreail777: ohhh...something really good....lobstery XD
fioreail777: lobster
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Lobstery...
YOYMIsoGORGEO! US: I like lobster!
fioreail777: lol, not lobstery -_-;;;;
fioreail777: they are cute ^^
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: ... tastes like lobster = lobstery
fioreail777: never ate one though
fioreail777: -__-;;;
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: I have a magnetic lobster refrigerator magnet
fioreail777: how would the word "word" taste *_*
fioreail777: cute sounding magnet*_*
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: LOL "word" doesn't taste too good... it's a bit spicey and sour
fioreail777: XDD groovy
fioreail777: oo...the word "groovy"
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: LOL I was about to say the same thing!
fioreail777: ^^;
fioreail777: for me, it would taste like somethine sweet
fioreail777: something
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Umm... "groovy" tastes... earthy... sort of like coffee
fioreail777: hm...chocolate covered coffee!
fioreail777: coffee beans
fioreail777: lol
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: I haven't had any of those before
fioreail777:! i was going to ask XD
fioreail777: they are groovy ^^;;
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: So, what does the word "they" taste like?
fioreail777: kinky
fioreail777: XDDDDDDD
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Next word...
fioreail777: anyway, it would taste hm...
fioreail777: XDD
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: What does the emoticon "XD" taste like?
fioreail777: kinky's a fun word to randomly use XD
fioreail777: XD tastes like shock tarts XD
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: What does "shock" taste like... mm, tastes lemony
fioreail777: yeah, makes me think of pop rocks XD
fioreail777: oh! lemon soda ^_^
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: I don't think I've had that either....
fioreail777: aw XD
fioreail777: *tries lots of foods..and candies..and such XD
fioreail777: what does the word "try" taste like?
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Ummm... it tastes like spring water
fioreai! l777: I actually see that *_*
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: What does the word "actually" taste like
fioreail777: XD
fioreail777: like an eel
fioreail777: i never ate eel, but i don't know why i say it would taste like eel XD
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: XD Hey, it's possible. I've never had eel either
fioreail777: ^^;
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Seafood typically scares me
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: except for shrimp and normal fish
fioreail777: ah, why?
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: ;_; I dunno
fioreail777: Shrimp and crab rules -_-;;;
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: And crab and lobster! I love crab and lobster!
fioreail777: did you notice most of this convo. is about food? -_-;;;
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: Food is always on my mind.
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: I can't help it.
fioreail777: same here *_*
YOYMIsoGORGEOUS: See, it's instinct to talk about food
Starting today off with a quiz or two of course. I had a shitting day yesterday, so i didn't bother posting.

Your magical style is Magus.

What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox
I'm brilliant, today I had to dress up for a symposium for the program I'm in. I wore all black..black shoes, long sleeve shirt, t-shirt, pants......it's blasted HOTTT outside -_- Though someone commented that it was one of the few times everything I wore matched, including my black bookbag, I was melting as i walked -_- On another note, thank god that the program i'm in is almost over. I'm tired of listening to people complain. The students complain about the staff, the staff complain about the students, and I don't care either way. And the SIBS are neither staff nor student, so everyone complains about us of course. Though it was vaguely amusing and annoying yesterday when we, the SIBS, skipped out on doing somethinga TC told us to do because they were tired. Though it's understandable that they are tired since they actually do the work, it is rather unfair for them to think that SIBS do nothing, ah well, it's all a case of lack of communication at different levels. At any rate, I and another SIB who skipped out on watching the students so that they don't goof off were caught. Of course we were yelled at. I was suprised the person I skipping with tried to bs our way out of the situation. The bsing soooo didn't work, so we got yelled at. After beeing yelled at we left and she started crying, so i made up some good bs and started joking around so she stopped crying and started laughing. I'm such a joker in real life, though I am tired of cheering up people. I remember her saying that she was tired that when she was pissed off or sad that people who tell her just be happy and fake that they cry. Funny that that sort of what I was doing and also tired of people saying. Hm...if that makes any sense *shrugs*


I just went to Steve's house to get the digital camera which I left there, he was really sick sounding on the phone O_o;; Since the bus transfer lasted awhile, I decided to go to the comic shop. There I FINALLY got the second graphic novel of Chobits. As well as the second graphic novel of Kodocha and the second one of Mars. Graphic novels sure are comming out faster now *_* Though it probably is because Tokyopop stopped making Smile ;_; In the mean time, it's fuckin' HOT outside -_-;;; *melts*
"taking a shower...care to join me and my cold? *coughcough*" ...Steve's current away message -_-;;; Anyway, I got my Shouryden CD!...man I can't spell -_-;;;
I'm suprisingly not sleepy, I usually stay sleep for a couple of hours after I wake up XD Though I might not be sleepy because I slept until 3 p.m. yesterday XD I was currently browsing a list of comic stores in Maryland and I noticed there was one that I didn't know about near me...I think XD, at least in the same city which I live it ^^ Maybe I'll go on a search for it *_*


I'm finally going to post about Otakon *_* First I had to get over to Steve's house for a ride to Otakon. I feel asleep on the bus there so I had to walk a while back to his house, but he wasn't even awake yet XD So at Otakon there was a HUGE line of course. So I took tons of pictures while I was waiting in the line with the digital camera I was barrowing. I got a badge of Yami no Matsuei, wooooo! I love that series, though i wish there was more to the anime. Hm, I acually got interested in Yami no Matsuei from last year's Otakon where i saw a wonderful music video of it *_* After that, we went to the artist's alley which of course had very talented artwork *_*

From there we went across the street into the dealer's room (Otakon was more confusing directionally for me -_-;;;;). The dealer's room was much larger then last year's *_* I got a bunch of X t.v. cards, Fruits Basket cards, Cowboy Bebop Knockin' on Heaven's Door cards, 2 packs of mini pencil boards, one for Angel Santuary and one for Fruits Basket, and a graphic novel called Love Song by Keiko Nishi, I really enjoyed it ^^. Then I ran out of money XDDDDDDD I did get some groovy free stuff. I got the first issue of Newtype U.S.A. it was so groovy seeing it in English XD and a bunch of random monthly manga issues of CCS and GW XD, I also got a couple of posters from ADV *_* After that, i wandered around lost in the dealer's room -_-;;;

I forgot about X-Japan, even though I took a note about it on my hand -_-;;, so I caught about half of it in video room 3, it was awesome *_* It was so amazingly loud though and my eardrums were pounding -_- Then we went to see the anime music video screening of tape one of four. I absolutely loved the one with just the word Doom from Invader Zim, it was sooo funny! XD There were several other groovy ones, but I can't remember any at the moment.

Anime watching time!
XD After that I saw part of Saint Seiya was was really groovy and I really enjoyed the voices ^^ Ribon no Kishi which I also saw part of was so cute ^^, it's by Tezuka Osamu ^^

Then we got to see the anime music video screening of tape four of four ^^ From that my favorite was probably one that blended Cowboy Bebop and Dragon Ball Z. When the title was put I was just about the only one who cheers -_-;;; But then at the end everyone loved it XD It was too funny. At some points I went to see End of Evangelion, which was dubbed, but it was groovy none the less. Shinji's screaming got on my nerves though. I got to see part of Real Bout High School, which was groovy since I read the first graphic novel from Tokyopop ^^

From there we went to see Pitaten, which was SOOO CUTE and I loved it *_* Visually you have Di Gi Charat meets Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar, in other words cute characters with cute accessories, but of course it looks like Di Gi Carat since it's by the some charater. The picture I have up here is actually one of the characters from the series, he's my favorite so far ^^. He's Takashi Ayanokouji, also known as Ten-chan and he is Kotaro's classmate, and he's the smartest in the class. He is very popular in school and enjoys hanging out with the crew. Here's a little introduction to Pitaten from the Otakon anime video listing if anyone is interested ^^: "Kotarou is an ordinary sixth grader whose life is pretty average until an angel named Misha moves next door. Misha is a little less competent than the average angel . When she finds out Kotarou has no mother, she decides to become his mother and (over-enthusiastically) protects him." Micha says su after every sentence, it was so cute ^^ It was funny that Kotarou's friend, Koboshi Uematsu loves, more like is obsessed with XD, him, so she strongly dislikes Misha ^^

Tenshi no Konamaiki was soooo funny! Here's a little something about it: "Six years ago, when Anatsuka Megumi was 9 years old, she was turned into a beautiful and angelic girl from this genie that lived inside this magical book. But the spell will not wear off for 10 years. Megumi believes that she is a boy in heart and tries to fight the conflicting emotions of being a girl and a guy. Almost every guy in school is head over heels in love and especially ex bully Souga who turned from cruel and rough to a hopeless romantic." XDDD

Then we went to see Shadowskin and then Understanding Chaos. The animation style was uique ^^ since they were both done by Stude Art-FX *_*, blending 2D digital cel animation and 3D computer graphics created Understanding Chaos ^^

We then go to see One Piece, which I've been wanting to see for awhile now. And I loved it *_* It was sooo funny XD And for a little information on it from the anime video guide again: "During the Pirate Era, pirates around the world headed to the sea to conquer the legendary pirate Gold Roger's ultimate treasure, One Piece. One of these pirates, a boy named Lueffy, acquires the ability to stretch his body [RUBBER ROCKET! I couldn't resiste putting that XD]. Inspired by the childhood heroism of a pirate friend, he sets out for adventure." My favorite character so far is Zoro. He's a THREE sword swordsman XDDDDDDDDD That's a picture of him to the right...or left...like I have any sense of direction. I also really like Lueffy though, he's awesome, one of the few main characters I like in a series *_*

I went to See Licca-Chan, which was cute and funny ^^ and I also caught someome of AD Police Files OVA. I really enjoyed the part that I caughts of AD Police Files though ^^

After that, the fun stuff of yaoi XD, which were labled as H for hentai O_o;;;; and ahh shoot...I just deleted what I just typed -_-;;; So anyway, first we (yeah, Steve went to watch with me, which was highly amusing) got to see Bronze. It was funny in the beginning when there was an announcement about 'if you are offended by homosexual activity, please leave'. A lot of people cheered XD Actually, there was just alot of cheering in general, it was amusing hearing the viewer's comments XD then we got to see Cathexis, which was awesome *_* It was a series of music videos performed by Koji and it's part of the Zesuai and Bronse story.The music videos combined Zesuai and Bronze, Zesuai was the prequel of Bronze, which I didn't see. after that we go to see Kusatta Kyoushi no Hoteishiki, which translates to Rotten (or Bad) Teacher's Equation. It was so funny, and it was silly that pretty much all the male characters were gay ^^; It's a comdey about a student and his teachers and classmates.

After that we went home ^^ I lucked out and the batteries ran out just when we were leaving. We got dinner, a latteeeeee dinner, at I-hop's which was groovy *_*, since I only had lunch and not dinner ^^ Then I slept over at his house. It was amusing since we slept in the same bed and he said I kept moving over to his side of the bed. ^^;;; I'm aware that I move around in my sleep alot, though it's funny that if there's someone else in the bed I don't like kick them off. But when he did get off the bed one time I took over his side of the bed and he was about to move me when I actually bothered openning my eyes to figure out who was hovering over me XD He was going to move me back to my own side of the bed ^^; It was funny that he has a cold and I have major sort throat -_-;;; We both were awake before 3 pm XD, but neither of us bother getting out of bed until 4 p.m. XD I got to see an Gargoyles around 3:30 p.m., which was awesome since it's been a couple of YEARS since I've seen an episode and it's my favorite American cartoon ^^
I just back from Otakon and I'm staying over at my aquaintance's house since it's now 3:40 a.m. XD I 'm tired now, I loved the convention though and I'll talk about it later, now I'm tired and don't feel inclined to think.