
Hm, I need to get a planner or something to keep track of what I have to do that I won't do XD

how big a Marius fan are you?

brought to you by Quizilla
I have...a life? Oo;; since when? XD

The What Soda Are You Quiz By Vishal
I actually like Dr. Pepper XD

Morning, day, or night?
quiz by maikamariel

presuming I have a heart of course

Test Results
You think of yourself as being dark, cold, deep, and existing.
Others think of you as being cute, smart, fast, and shy.
Your relationships can be described as cold, deep, dark, and empty.
When stressed, you feel detacted.
Take this test here.

I am Thursday's Child

What day are you?

Monday's Child is fair of face
Tuesday Child is full of grace
Wednesday's Child is full of woe
Thursday's Child has far to go
Friday's Child is loving and giving
Saturday's Child works hard for a living
But Sunday's Child is fair and wise, and good and gay

far to go eh...hm, I should have been Wednesday XD
One of my roommates got drunk yesterday with a couple of friends, of course. But at least he seems to mostly get drunk on weekends. I woke up around 3 a.m. to a disturbing conversation. It was somewhere along the lines of my roommate saying I'm in such a deep sleep that they could have an orgy in my bed and I wouldn't notice. The conversation just got worse from there -_-;;; Of course they thought I was asleep XD So I moved randomly at one point and they started asking each other if I was awake XD I had an insane urge to say "Good night" or something when they finally got to sleep sometime after 4 a.m.

What Pattern Are You?


I have no life (of course --;;) 6th post for today XD But this is highly amusing, got it from Michira ^^:
It's called The top 10 ways to annoy your college roommate

10) Collect potatoes. Paint faces on them and give them names. Name one after your roommate. Separate your roommate's potato from the others. Wait a few days, and then bake your roommate's potato and eat it. Explain to your roommate, ''He just didn't belong.''

9) Move everything to one side of the room. Ask your roommate if he knows how much an elephant weighs, and look at the floor on the empty side of the room with concern.

8) Draw a tiny black line on your nose. Make it bigger every day. Look at it and say, ''The hair, it's growing. Growing!''

7) Buy some knives. Sharpen them every night. While you're doing so, look at your roommate and mutter, ''Soon, soon....''

6) Collect hundreds of pens and pile them on one side of the room. Keep one pencil on the other side of the room. Laugh at the pencil.

5) Tell your roommate, ''I've got an important message for you.'' Then pretend to faint. When you recover, say you can't remember what the message was. Later on, say, ''Oh, yeah, I remember!'' Pretend to faint again. Keep this up for several weeks.

4) While your roommate is out, glue your shoes to the ceiling. When your roommate walks in, sit on the floor, hold your head, and moan.

3) Make a sandwich. Don't eat it, leave it on the floor. Ignore the sandwich. Wait until your roommate gets rid of it, and then say, ''Hey, where the heck is my sandwich!?'' Complain loudly that you are hungry.

2) Every time your roommate walks in yell, ''Hooray! You're back!'' as loud as you can and dance around the room for five minutes. Afterwards, keep looking at your watch and saying, ''Shouldn't you be going somewhere?''

1) Talk back to your Rice Krispies. All of a sudden, act offended, throw the bowl on the floor and kick it. Refuse to clean it up, explaining, ''No, I want to watch them suffer.'''

..wonderful!!!! just WONDERFUL! XDDDD On a side note, I do have every intention of hanging my shoes from the ceiling *_*
OH! Hheee...I believe I will get to go to Otaku club next week afterall since I got this message about modeling from the lady in charge:
"I also have Dana McLarney modeling Oct. 11th...Augh! Poor planning on my part. I asked both of you in hopes one would reply. SO, I have another proposition for you instead: how are you for Monday and Wednesdays from 6-8pm? I am going to need someone for two classes, starting Oct. 16th. more about that soon, but let me know your availability"
Groovy, I might get to work for two days XD Though...I still haven't turned in the stuff to get on the pay roll XD Ah well, not like I'm dying for the money now. And Steve tells me...
"You are like the dumbest person in the world when it comes to making money....well get paid and give me the money if you don't want it"...-_-;;;;;

...5th post here today Oo;;;;;
Hm, I have a headache as usual. My roomates completely rearranged the room, I was the only one not there. *shrugs* Never felt like I really belonged in the room any. But it does annoy me that they moved my stuff without asking, ah well. Probably thought I didn't care since I'm never around anyway.
so I've been asked today if I was starved at home since I seem obsessed with food --;; I ate all the time at home XD Hmm..."you kinda looked like you would need to hold onto something solid in a stiff wind" *dies* That's just evil, I'm not that thin, am I? Oo;;;;;

I finished reading Boys Next Door and I also finished reading Kaine, and thus now I am totally and complete in love with Kaori Yuki's works, nneeeeddd morreeee!!! *_*
I've slowly working my way through Kaori Yuki's works it seems XD I got through part of Angel Sanctuary, Count Cain, and Shrew/Neji, next I'm going to read Boys Next Door ^^ I think my favorite so far is Count Cain *_*

My drugs, brain and behavior class is cancelled for today, so I'm using that time off to read manga of course XD Though I have a test in the class on Monday. And I think I probably did horribly on the Spanish test I took, of course XD
Ugh, Spanish quiz today, another quiz I didn't study for XD, of course. I doubt I'll ever get into the habit of studying, ah well. The lady in charge of the modeling thing really wants to pay me for the modeling I did last time Oo;;; I'm still too lazy to get a time card XD And I'll be modeling again on the 11th of October. I suppose she wants me to get a time card by then --;;;; I don't really have any incentive to get paid, how sad is that? --;;; I just do the modeling mainly to relieve boredom --;; Ah yeah, if I model on the 11th I'll miss the Otaku club, oh well, Oo;; strange that I don't really care about that --;;; I think I 'm too out of it to care. Not that I'm ever not out of it Oo;


The kids had so much energy Oo;;; But they were so cute!! Especially some of the really little ones, like 5-year-olds or something ^^ It was entertaining watching them. I mostly just kept an eye on them so that they won't wonder off and moved the chairs around for music chairs XD Cute kids! XD I got free pizza too ^^;;; It was strange that after that I completely forgot about dinner and didn't go. Ah well, at least I got pizza. It's becoming a bad habit of missing dinner now it seems. *Shrugs* And I'm so tired, I'll wake up early tomarrow and maybe study for Spanish...--;;; In the mean time, I got around to reading the 9th graphic novel of Hikaru no go, and also some of Count Kaine/Cain ^^
And mbh15's comments to me of the day are:

meattbalhead15: you are the centre of randomness
meattbalhead15: randomness is attracted to you
The food selection here is pretty groovy XD Today had one of the most interesting things in the stir fry section at the dinning hall Oo;; There was squid XDDDD It was pretty good, but unexpected ^^;; And now, test in Music Theory which I didn't really study for since I was reading scanlations of Angel Sanctuary --;;;;;
Hmmm....2 a.m. and I've been entertaining thoughts of actually really studying for that test tomarrow in Music Theory, I don't think I will XD And speaking of music....

Take the Anime Sountrack Quiz

Of course I'm disturbed...though I don't think it's in a good way Oo;;;


Schoolhouse Rock! XDDDD OMG! It's been sooo longgg since I've seen those *_* Bill gave me the url XD
Hm, I keep saying I'll go to sleep before 12 a.m., but I probably never will. Tomarrow's the meeting for Tomarrow's Child where the people in the club get to spend time with children from broken homes, I'll be there randomly ^^ And I've been reading scanlations of Angel Sanctuary since I'm taking a break from Hikaru no Go. Scanlations are so addictive --;;;


I wonder...how can a person tell if someone is really their friend? Someone I've known for a long time calls people he has known for less then 2 weeks friends. Hm, maybe friendship can't be measured by time. But I don't know why, such a short time of knowing someone and calling him/her a friend just annoys me. Of course that's one of my strange quirks since I don't really see all the importance in calling people friends. Aquaintances are just what all people seem to me.


Oh....ugh, I overslept so I missed about 30 minutes of my Biology class --;; Hm...I missed a class assignment Oo;; That doesn't seem like a good thing XD On the bright side, at least this was my first time over sleeping a class Oo;; Ah...I will actually go to sleep before 2 a.m. today...maybe...
it's 1:45 a.m. and suicidal thoughts are keeping me awake, just wonderful! Ah well, has to happen once I awhile at least. Not like I sleep anyway.


Brilliance!!!! Total brilliance! Someone I know had the most wonderful away message! Here it is *_*

"When I bite into a York Peppermint Patty, I feel the cool rush of skiing in the Alps, or skating in Alasha, or bobsledding in lake Placid! But, while I'm enjoying my York Peppermint patty, the rush makes me oblivious to the chocolate melting in my hands. The chocolate gets on my keyboard, my mouse, my desk and every other spot to which chocolate can stick. And when I go to throw away my York Peppermint Patty, i trip over a shoe because I'm too busy looking for a paper towel. I fall over and hit my head on the corner of my desk, cutting it deeply. The sight of my own blood causes me to throw up my York Peppermint Patty. Getting up and running to the phone to call 911, I slip on my own vomit, fall down again, and break my neck. And so my warning to all little children: don't smoke pot before eating a york peppermint patty!"

*dies* That's too good *_*
Hm, there are rooms open to switch to. I'm thinking of switching to another room since I don't much care for my roomates. Though I'm barely ever in my room, it's rather annoying to return to it around 3 a.m. and fun a load of random people in it --;;; Aside from that, one of them's homophobiac --;;; Well, at least I haven't told him I'm gay yet XD I wonder how he would react if he finds out *shrugs* I should be doing my homework/studying as I said, but I have no real incentive to. Do I have any intentions of being sucessful in this life? Probably not.

Come get your fortune read!

Created by ptocheia
Hm, I should be going a load of studying. Afterall, I did skip out on doing some homework xD And I did horribly on my first Biology test of course. But, I believe I will continue reading scanlations of Hikaru no Go, since reading's so addictive! XD In the mean time, I got an amusing email "you've been invited to a Police Auction!"...who wonderful XDDDD "get insider information on when and where to find government auctions. Find out where to bid on seized and unclaimed property. Cars from $100, Jewelry, Personal Property, Collectibles, Antiques and More"...oh yes....and I'm sure I want stuff that might have blood stains on them! wonderful....*dies* And I got 3 new spam mail messages while I was deleting other spam mail....ah...the mail must love me --;;;
Hm....3:20 a.m. and I'm still reading Hikaru no Go scanlations, ah well. *shrugs* I took a break to read some of Beyond World's End and to watch Adult Swim XD Hm, tomarrow I volunteered for computer lab monitor again, so I need to eat lunch around 11, or skip it like I did today Oo;; *shrugs* And I didn't get to contact my Biology lab group...so I guess I'm working on it by myself *shrugs*